The following is an announcement from Dr. Jay Hess, Dean of the IU School of Medicine
As one of the nation’s largest medical schools, IU School of Medicine requires a robust infrastructure that will support how we select, matriculate, educate and administer programs to best prepare our students for careers as physicians, research scientists, and healthcare providers.
In examining the current Education Affairs structure, we determined a need to make changes in order to enhance enrollment, centralize curriculum management, and improve program administration in Graduate Medical Education, Medical Student Education, and Health Professions and Pre-doctoral programs.
The restructuring is prompted in part by the need to support a growing student body, as well as to align with clear feedback from Dan Hunt, MD, MBA, Co-Secretary of the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, who visited IUSM and provided insights critical to IUSM’s preparation for re-accreditation.
This new structure focuses the efforts of Education Affairs’ leadership, faculty, and staff to advance our academic mission and provide a comprehensive, statewide, holistic approach to the medical student experience for several years to come. Below is additional detail to assist you in understanding the logic and rationale behind our actions and decisions.
In closing, I want to thank Executive Associate Dean Peter Nalin for his leadership, Educational Affairs leadership, faculty and staff for their efforts in working through this transition, and for your support as we move forward to make these changes that will ultimately improve the education experience we provide and the impact we will have on the future of health care delivery and research.
Jay L Hess M.D., PhD., M.H.S.A
Dean of the IU School of Medicine
Vice President for University Clinical Affairs
Walter J. Daly Professor
Educational Affairs Restructure Overview
Why restructure now?
As curriculum reform and preparation for reaccreditation are underway, and with migration to a new IS systems in the works, the timing is ideal to align our educational units to support these significant efforts. Faculty and staff have been given important duties as part of curriculum reform and reaccreditation and will need an updated infrastructure upon which to execute and sustain these changes.
What is changing?
Medical Student Affairs (MSA) and Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) were consolidated under a new unit called Medical Student Education (MSE) effective June 1. Key changes as part of that new structure include:
- The current structure with two Associate Dean positions has been replaced with a single Senior Associate Dean – Dr. Bradley Allen – who will lead the MSE unit.
- Drs. Sheryl Allen and Sara Grethlein have transitioned out of their current roles and have returned to their clinical duties full-time. We recognize the contributions that they have made in their respective units to help bring the school to this point in our evolution.
- The faculty and staff currently reporting to Drs. Allen and Grethlein will report to Dr. Bradley Allen.
- Dr. Allen will also oversee the addition of 3 new part-time Assistant Deans positions that will help with the implementation of our revised curriculum.
- Financial Aid will be paired with Admissions in order to provide services earlier to applicants and newly enrolled students who are inquiring about resources. The director of financial aid will report to Interim Associate Dean, effective immediately.
- The Health Professions programs and the M.S. in Medical Science (MSMS) program will be consolidated under one Assistant Dean of Health Professions and Predoctoral Programs (HPPP) to optimize the efficiencies of running all of our health professions and pre-doctoral programs together. This position will be a staff appointment, reporting to the Executive Associate Dean of Educational Affairs.
- An Assistant Dean will be named to oversee Academic Records and Promotions. The Registrar will report to this position and both functions will report up through MSE. Marti Reeser, Ed.D., has been named to both Assistant Dean of HPPP and Academic Records and Promotions.
Two part-time Assistant Dean positions will be added to the Graduate Medical Education office to assist with the Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) program and Accreditation and competencies for the continuum of clinical education, respectively. These positions will be filled over the course of this year and next, as needs dictate.