This article was written by lead advisor Kristen Heath and learning specialist Kristin Richey.
Nearly one in five adults in the United States live with a mental illness and an estimated 10.4 million adults (4.2%) in the country have had a serious mental illness*. Thus, recognizing and confidently responding to a person who is exhibiting the symptoms of a mental health issue is critical.
Mental Health First Aid is certification course that teaches participants how to help people experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. Similar to traditional First Aid and CPR, Mental Health First Aid provides help to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a crisis until professional treatment is obtained or the crisis resolves. Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based course that teaches a 5-step action plan to help loved ones, colleagues, neighbors and others cope with mental health or substance use problems.
Kristen Heath and Kristin Richey are certified Mental Health First Aid trainers at IU School of Medicine. They are offering trainings in the upcoming months for students, staff and faculty at IU School of Medicine. At this time, they are prioritizing students, but all are welcome to apply. Currently, the course is offered in a hybrid format with learners completely two hours of pre-work on their own and participating in an online course with Kristen & Kristin via Zoom for four hours.
- Sign up for the April 13 training, to be held from 1 to 5 pm ET.
- Sign up for the May 28 training, to be held from 9 am to 1 pm ET.
*National Institute of Mental Health via the National Survey on Drug Use and Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration