Thanks to everyone who made the Second Year Show: Med School Musical a success! Relive the fun by watching a recording of the show online and hearing an update from some cast members.
Watch the full recording of the show here!
Max Gallivan, MS2
The officers and cast of the Second Year Show would like to thank everyone who supported the program this year, whether it be by generously donating to support the production or laughing until the cows came home. Your support made all of the hours of practice, advertising and script rewriting worth it. We sold enough tickets and received enough donations to make a profit for our Match Day festivities, and we are confident that the Class of 2021 will be able to take the reins next year and make another great show, providing laughs and much needed camaraderie during these trying times. If you have any pictures or videos from the performance, please email them to
Dr. Brad Allen, senior associate dean for medical student education
(a.k.a. the curriculum/dancing guy)
The 2018 Y2S was spectacular! It was such a joy to see the tremendous talent of the Class of 2020 and to laugh at ourselves and profession in a healthy way. It was moving to hear the very positive underlying message, that is the importance of supporting one another and promoting wellness as an institution of people with varied backgrounds, talents, and goals. That approach puts us in a great position for success individually and as a school.