It’s time to elect new leadership for the Medical Student Service-Learning Group (MSSG) for the 2018-2019 school year. Available positions include:
• Junior co-chair (would move into Senior co-chair the following year)
• Secretary
• Treasurer
Applicants must have held a previous MSSG project chair position and be an MS2 to run for Junior co-chair. To run for secretary or treasurer, applicants must have been involved in and volunteered for at least one MSSG project. No prior leadership experience is necessary for secretary or treasurer positions.
Application should include:
• Preferred position (If interested in multiple positions, please rank order of preference.)
• Previous MSSG involvement (project co-chair, outreach involvement, etc.)
• Qualifications
• Other leadership positions
• Any goals you may have for the group and service learning
Please send your application to no later than 5 pm on Monday, March 19. For more information on each position, reference article 2, section 2.01, of the MSSG bylaws here.
Questions may be directed to these current leadership members:
Senior co-chairs: David Lopez,; Taylor Twiggs,
Junior co-chair: Keerthana Mohankumar,
Treasurer: Jon Schmidt,
Secretary: Sarah Kirk,