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<span> AAMCNews is collecting 55-word stories from fourth-year medical students for an upcoming story.</span>

Tell your story to AAMC

AAMCNews is collecting 55-word stories from fourth-year medical students for an upcoming story.

We are looking for reflections from graduating seniors on any aspect of their medical school journey — the moment when they decided on a specialty, an interaction with a patient or professor, how they’ve changed, what they found challenging or exciting, or any other reflection on medical school.

We are collecting the responses via Google forms, and will print a selection of responses in mid-May.

The deadline to share stories is May 3.

Tell AAMC Your Story

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Medical Student Education

The Medical Student Education team includes student affairs, curricular affairs and student support professionals across the state who support medical students at every step of their journey.

The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.