With spring arriving just around the corner, the IU School of Medicine Wellness Coalition offers easy ways to bolster your physical and mental well-being and exit the winter drag. Increasing your activity can be as self-evident as exercise, or it can be other tasks like journalling, meditating, cooking, or cleaning. Some of my recommendations and favorites are exercising outside and baking--two great methods to briefly step away from work.
If you are like me and spend the winter looking out the window, longing to play outside again, this is your reminder to start doing so. Whether you're trapped inside from work or studying, moving some of your normal activities outside can be a big help in improving your mental well-being. Do you go on daily walks or runs on the treadmill? Move it outside!
Do you have any bananas that you accidentally let get too ripe? Rest assured, I've attached a tried-and-true banana recipe that was so easy to make that it came out perfect on my first try (I leaned on the less sugar side and used white and brown sugar).
Banana Bread Recipe
Bolstering your physical and mental well-being after winter
Medical Student Education Mar 14, 2024
Medical Student Education
The Medical Student Education team includes student affairs, curricular affairs and student support professionals across the state who support medical students at every step of their journey.
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.