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Report a Concern

IU School of Medicine Learner Mistreatment

If you are concerned that you have experienced or witnessed mistreatment, you are strongly encouraged to report it. This enables the school to respond in a rapid and systematic manner. Depending on the nature of the incident and the preference of the learner, the situation may be addressed at a later date to avoid any learner concerns about further disruptions to the learning environment, including retaliation or the possibility that their grade might be affected.

IU School of Medicine Honor Code Concern

If you are concerned that you have experienced or witnessed unprofessional behavior by an individual within the IU School of Medicine community that may constitute an IU policy violation, you are strongly encouraged to report it.

IU Indianapolis Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)

Make a report to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) regarding harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, or retaliation by a faculty/staff member or visitor.

IU EthicsPoint

Report activities related to financial, research, fraud, information technology, intellectual diversity in the classroom or other policy violations through IU’s EthicsPoint.

IU Research Misconduct

Report activities related to research misconduct, defined as fabrication (making up data or results and recording or reporting them), falsification (manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented), or plagiarism (appropriating another’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving proper credit).

IU Human Resources Grievance

The grievance procedure at IU is a formal method for presenting and addressing such cases that are unable to be resolved through discussions between the supervisor and employee, with defined steps, timelines and rules. Employees have the right to use the applicable grievance procedure contained within the personnel policies for their position and are encouraged to do so if informal discussions do not resolve the matter.

Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT)

If you want to report concerning behavior of a student, faculty, or staff member, fill out a Concerned Person Report with BCT. If the behavior involves a threat to someone’s health or safety, please contact the police immediately. 

IU School of Medicine Ombuds Office

The Ombuds Office is a place where learners and faculty can discuss concerns, complaints and disputes with an impartial third-party in a safe environment. Contact the Ombuds Office to discuss a dispute or other concerns you may have that may benefit from mediation or input by an impartial third party.

IU Health TrustLine

A confidential reporting hotline that dually employed IU Health physicians and other clinical staff can use to report or seek guidance regarding potential or actual criminal conduct and other compliance issues without fear of retaliation.