Rat and mouse lines selectively bred for alcohol preference or avoidance have been enormously valuable to research on alcohol use disorder (AUD). Researchers around the nation and the world have used these selectively bred lines to investigate causes of and treatment for alcohol use disorder, and they will be extensively used by Indiana Alcohol Research Center investigators. The Animal Production Core’s goal is to make available Indiana's selectively bred rodents to IUPUI campus researchers studying the genetic origins and associated neurobiology of AUD, and the identifying molecular targets for treatment. In addition, we are positioned to provide these animals to investigators around the nation and world for a fee.

The rat lines we currently maintain, and can export to interested investigators, include the widely used Alcohol Preferring P rat, as well as the High Alcohol Drinking (HAD) rat. Mouse lines that we can ship include the crossed High-Alcohol Preferring (cHAP) mouse and the Low Alcohol Preferring (LAP) mouse. Other than LAPs, these animals have all been selectively bred for high intake during two-bottle choice access to 10% alcohol in water along with plain water in the home cage. P and HAD rats drink, on average, in excess of 5 g/kg per day during this procedure, while cHAP mice drink in excess of 25 g/kg per day, reaching BECs averaging over 250 mg/dl on a daily basis (Matson and Grahame, 2013, PMC4259254).
To inquire about availability of these animals, please contact Dr. Nicholas Grahame (ngrahame@iu.edu). Interested investigators will briefly explain the purpose for their use of these animals (to avoid duplication of efforts across research sites) and execute a Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) between their institution and IU. After execution of this agreement, we can provide breeders so that investigators can initiate work with these lines. Interested investigators should allow at least three months from time of initiation of the MTA to when they may expect to receive animals, to allow the agreement to be executed by both institutions and for animals to be bred for export.
Fees for not-for-profit institutions | |
Rats | $150 plus boxing fee of $7.50 |
Mice | $80 plus boxing fee of $5.00 |
Fees for for-profit institutions | |
Rats | $300 plus boxing fee of $7.50 |
Mice | $200 plus boxing fee of $5.00 |
Requesting investigators would also pay shipping costs for these animals.
Core Faculty

Nicholas J. Grahame, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology
School of Science, IUPUI