Service learning is encouraged for students on the Evansville campus to serve as advocates for the health and well-being of the community.

Medical Service Learning

Medical service learning supplements and enhances medical education with real-world community engagement. All IU School of Medicine students have an opportunity to participate in a broad range of service learning experiences, including curricular and co-curricular programs. Through service learning experiences, educators and mentors emphasize medical students’ responsibility to serve as advocates for the health and well-being of the community.

Each IU School of Medicine campus offers different medical service learning opportunities for the local community, and these innovative experiences are part of a larger organization and commitment that encompasses all elements of the school’s medical education program. The Evansville campus offers many service learning programs throughout the year. From collection drives for the local food bank to the creation of medical respite kits for the local homeless community, students can usually find a community engagement program that resonates on a personal level and facilitates professional growth.

Evansville Service Learning Teddy Bears

Students making stuffed animals for a local children's hospital. 

Get Involved

Connect with IU School of Medicine for opportunities to get involved with community engagement and service learning programs.

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