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<p>IU School of Medicine is now beginning the important work of charting a new strategic plan that will guide the school through 2022. With the active participation of the entire school community  &#8212;  students, staff, faculty and our partners &#8212; the new strategic plan will build on the quality improvements achieved through the current plan [&hellip;]</p>

Schoolwide input needed for new strategic plan


Students studying

IU School of Medicine is now beginning the important work of charting a new strategic plan that will guide the school through 2022.

With the active participation of the entire school community  —  students, staff, faculty and our partners — the new strategic plan will build on the quality improvements achieved through the current plan and help us define who we are and what we are committed to accomplishing over the next several years. We consider the strategic plan to be a contract that  IU School of Medicine makes with learners, patients and the people of Indiana.

Central to a successful strategic planning process is a steering committee, which is comprised of individuals who have the talent, dedication, scope and vision to help bring the institution to a higher level. The unique perspective and passions of members of this committee will be an important element to this process. Yet, the Strategic Planning Committee is depending on input from the IU School of Medicine community and is eager to hear from faculty, students and staff to better understand where the school stands on specific priority areas and how the school can further improve on its efforts. Watch for updates and opportunities to engage.

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Jay L. Hess, MD, PhD, MHSA

Jay L. Hess MD, PhD, MHSA became Dean of the School of Medicine and Executive Vice President for University Clinical Affairs at Indiana University in September 2013. Read his full bio.

The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.