Dean Jay L. Hess outlined a series of steps IU School of Medicine will take during the 2020-21 academic year to help foster a climate of diversity and inclusiveness:
- Reviewing data on racial diversity and inclusiveness at the School of Medicine, implementing a climate survey and openly sharing and discussing results.
- Conducting town hall meetings to review data and solicit input on ways to improve diversity, equity and inclusiveness.
- Expanding the office hours of the deans of Student Affairs and Diversity Affairs to provide more opportunities for School leadership to hear what our community has to say about our climate and how it can be improved.
- Implementing regular training for faculty and learners on unconscious bias, microaggression, cultural humility and professionalism.
- Conducting a comprehensive review of the medical school curriculum to address potential biases and microaggression.
- Enhancing the curriculum to better address eliminating health disparities.
- Integrating diversity, equity and inclusion into the competency assessment system across every level of training.
- Improving information, resources and transparency around expectations of professionalism and potential consequences of Honor Code violations, including acts of racism and bigotry.