Easier said than done – learning to give or “philanthropy” is a Greek term which can be translated to mean “love of mankind.” Philanthropy is considered to be a form of giving or a type of sacrifice rather than doing something from which a person or entity would profit or gain. Philanthropy is an action of giving of one’s self or of their assets to better others. One way to show support or to advocate certain research endeavors is through philanthropy. This action can be shown in different ways – such as time, talent or monetary donations for the common good of the project. It is part of the American way to make an effort by individuals and/or organizations to improve human lives. One misconception of philanthropy is that a person or organization needs to be wealthy. One of the purest forms of philanthropy is a person who has little but still gives what they can for the betterment of the whole of mankind. For some, the giving of their time is their gift to mankind. Others might rely on their talents they have to provide knowledge and help their fellow man. Yet another person can make monetary donations to help fund scientific experiments to improve treatments or create new treatments in the medical field. Philanthropy in research is one way to give to those generations yet to come. The information we are collecting in research today will be built upon in the future to enhance orthopaedic conditions and treatments for years to come. In many ways a philanthropist is another member of our team – a very important member. Won’t you join our team by making a donation today? Written by Cathy The Indiana University Foundation solicits tax-deductible private contributions for the benefit of Indiana University and is registered to solicit charitable contributions in all states requiring registration. For our full disclosure statement, see http://go.iu.edu/89n. |
Carl Pinkham Jul 21, 2015
Carl Pinkham
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.