Who: Phase 1 Year 1 and Phase 2 medical students.
What: Dr. Camp and Camp MD. Two free camps for middle school and high school kids who want to learn about science and the medical field. Volunteer to help run check in, manage pre-designed stations (heart sounds, cow heart dissection, blood typing, etc) and guide campers throughout the day.
When: June 20-22 (8:30 am – 5 pm)
Where: Van NuysMedical Sciences Building in Indianapolis.
Why: It’s a great chance to work with and teach kids, have fun outside the classroom or clerkships and is a great experience to have and put on your CV.
Interested in being a part of the camp? Add your name, email, and the dates you are available to the google spreadsheet.
There will be a more formal session closer to camp for the volunteers to explain the stations and logistics. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at drcamp@iupui.edu.