Managing money can be difficult for anyone, but it might be more so for those of us stressing about upcoming exams or trying to focus on the latest rotation. Creating a budget and tracking monthly expenses can help you stay on track for your future financial goals and prepare for unexpected expenses.
Below are some great financial tools to make budgeting and saving easier:
- Rocket Money: Tracks spending and allows you to set budgets based on spending categories. It analyzes your income patterns to set up a monthly allowance, which is a huge help when you only get disbursement twice a year! It's also super easy to cancel subscriptions you don’t use anymore.
- Stash: Boost passive income with this easy-to-use, cost-effective ($3 a month) automated investing app that lets you buy fractional shares of major stocks. A round-up feature lets you invest a little bit each time you spend.
- Honeydue: An excellent free app for couples who want to track their spending and bills together. It allows you to split the bills and balance spending between partners.
- Austin Snider, IU School of Medicine Wellness Coalition