The NRMP R3 system for rank lists opened on Feb. 1 at noon. You can start entering your rank lists! Your rank list must be certified and submitted by Feb. 28 at 9 p.m. ET! Don’t wait until the final day…set a goal to have it done before Feb. 25.
The Registrar’s Office will be verifying your eligibility to participate in the Match. The verification will be done in late February.
The NRMP has guides and videos to assist you in entering your rank lists.
The AAMC Careers in Medicine program offers some additional helpful information regarding the rank list.
If you are ranking any Advanced (A) programs, remember that these training years start in July of 2025. You will need to pair these with TY or Preliminary programs via the Supplemental Rank List for a training year that starts July 2024. Categorical (C) programs are complete training courses and do not need the preliminary year.
Watch the NRMP Supplemental Rank List video
Remember to put your preliminary programs at the bottom of your primary rank list as well to create an additional safety net!
The NRMP also has a guide for the Couples Match!
If you have additional questions, reach out to your lead advisor or Debra Rusk, MD, assistant dean.