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The INPACT program is inviting proposals for learner-inclusive research projects to address enhancement of the student experience in primary care learning environments, approaches to faculty development instruction in care for the underserved, novel approaches to clerkship expansion in underserved environments, health equity (in either education or clinical care), or curriculum development in areas addressed by the grant aims.

INPACT Request for Proposals for Pilot Projects

An IU med student listens to a patient's chest with a stethoscope.

The Indiana Primary Care Advancement in Clinical Training (INPACT) grant is funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration and housed in the IU School of Medicine Office of Medical Student Education.

The goal of the INPACT grant is to:

  • recruit and retain students from medically underserved areas of Indiana with an interest in primary care
  • maintain and grow a comprehensive student success program to support all student needs
  • enhance the IU School of Medicine primary care curriculum with applied health systems sciences integration that focus on quality health care delivery to underserved communities
  • expand primary care clinical student training exposures in medically underserved areas through strategic planning with current and new partnerships statewide

Call for Proposals

The INPACT program is inviting proposals for learner-inclusive research projects in the areas to address:

  • enhancement of the student experience in primary care learning environments
  • approaches to faculty development instruction in care for the underserved
  • novel approaches to clerkship expansion in underserved environments
  • health equity (in either education or clinical care)
  • curriculum development in areas addressed by the grant aims

All proposals must include an educational component for students and/or residents. The project must be led by an IU School of Medicine faculty member and at least one investigator on the team must be an IU School of Medicine medical student, resident, or fellow. Investigators will be required to perform a pretest before starting their study and a posttest at the conclusion to gauge effectiveness of the project intervention as well as the impact on the learners that are part of the research team. 


All appointed IU School of Medicine faculty are eligible to apply as Principal Investigators (PI). Visiting and adjunct faculty, residents, fellows, medical students, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students may serve as co-investigators but not as the PI. The projects can be led by IU School of Medicine faculty members at any of the nine IU School of Medicine campuses. Collaborative, multi-campus or interdisciplinary proposals are welcomed and encouraged. Collaborations between senior and junior faculty members or between faculty members from different disciplines, schools/departments, or campuses is particularly encouraged. Engagement of learners as part of the grant team is essential and at least one investigator must be a medical student, resident, or fellow and preference would be to include at least one of each learner category (medical student, resident, or fellow, recognizing that some campuses do not have access to graduate trainees). Faculty who were previously awarded PRIME or INPACT pilot grants are welcome to apply but their projects must have a different focus/goal, or significantly enhance their prior funded study. Results from the previously funded study will be considered in the grant application. 


Funding requests may not exceed $100,000. Projects budgets cannot include funding for indirect costs, travel, capital expenses, or hospitality. The INPACT grant is a federally funded project and the NIH salary cap limit of $221,900 does apply, any over the cap salary will need to be absorbed by the PI’s home department. If students participating in the projects are provided with stipends, please note that stipends can impact the financial aid package of the student. Projects should display potential for having a significant impact on IU School of Medicine curriculum, student development, learning environment, potential improvement in health equity and primary care, and/or faculty development in our statewide system. Projects are for a twelve-month period. 

Application Requirements

  • Project description (three-page maximum)
  • Completed 12 month budget worksheet
  • Budget justification
  • CVs or a NIH biosketch for all project PI’s and Co-I’s minus IU School of Medicine students/residents.
  • Twelve month timeline
  • If applicable: Study results from PRIME/INPACT funded study, including a list of presentations and publications resulting from the study.

Important Dates 

Applications will be reviewed by an appointed review committee, final funding decisions will be made by the INPACT Executive Committee, based on review of applications and funding priorities.

  • Application Deadline: Nov. 4, 2024
  • Notice of Award: Dec. 9, 2024
  • Project Start Date: Jan. 1, 2025
  • Project End Date: Dec. 31, 2025 

A complete combined application in PDF format should be sent to: Liza Sumpter, INPACT program manager.

Questions should be forwarded to Dr. Bradley Allen.

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Medical Student Education

The Medical Student Education team includes student affairs, curricular affairs and student support professionals across the state who support medical students at every step of their journey.

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