Principal Investigators | Sponsor | Type | Project Title | Begin Date | End Date | Awarded Dollars |
Adrian Gardner | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Renewal (not prev committed) | Delivery Feasibility Consulting Support for Global Health Products | 3/20/2023 | 3/31/2025 | $100,800 |
Alexander L Dent | National Institute Allergy & Infectious Diseases | New | TFH cell programming for IgE responses | 3/10/2023 | 2/29/2024 | $230,070 |
Andrew J Saykin | University Of California, Davis | New | The Clinical Significance of Incidental White Matter Lesions on MRI Amongst a Diverse Population with Cognitive Complaints (INDEED) | 9/1/2022 | 8/31/2023 | $257,106 |
Ann Carol Kimble-Hill | American Cancer Society, Incorporated | New | Post-Baccalaureate DICR Education Program (IADEP) | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 | $660,000 |
Anna Neyman | University Of Minnesota | New | Hybrid Closed Loop Therapy for Beta Cell Preservation in New Onset Type 1 Diabetes (CLVer): Extension Study (CLVerX) | 10/1/2022 | 3/31/2023 | $13,577 |
Anthony John Ross | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | New | LCH-IV: International Collaborative Treatment Protocol for Children and Adolescents with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis | 2/21/2023 | 2/20/2027 | $20,000 |
Brian Heath Mullis | Mid-america Orthopaedic Association | New | Mid-America Orthopaedic Association education grant for senior residents to attend the 2023 Annual Meeting, April 19-23, 2022 in Miramar Beach, Florida | 3/1/2023 | 6/30/2023 | $2,500 |
Brian Pierchala | National Institute On Deafness And Other Comm. Dis | Renewal (not prev committed) | Growth factors in the development and physiology of geniculate taste neurons | 6/1/2023 | 5/31/2024 | $528,344 |
Carmella Evans-Molina | Riley Children's Foundation | New | Diabetes Research Fund 2157 | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2027 | $790,000 |
Carmella Evans-Molina | National Institute Of Child Health, Human Devl. | New | Indiana Pediatric Scientist Award (IPSA) | 2/23/2023 | 11/30/2023 | $324,000 |
Chandan K Sen | National Institute Of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney | New | Cell Specific Gene Editing to Close Diabetic Wounds | 4/1/2023 | 2/29/2024 | $579,318 |
Chandan K Sen | National Institute Of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney | New | Diabetic Foot Consortium Clinical Research Unit | 3/7/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $565,655 |
Chandan K Sen | Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium | New | GelATA to Prevent Infection in Traumatic Penetrating Injuries | 2/6/2023 | 1/25/2026 | $1,483,833 |
Chandy C John | University Of Washington | Renewal (not prev committed) | Northern Pacific Global Health Leadership, Education, and Development for Early-career Researchers (NPGH LEADERs) | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | $51,702 |
Christopher William James | Huntington's Disease Society Of America | Renewal (not prev committed) | HDSA Center of Excellent Grant | 2/17/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $27,000 |
Courtney Marie Rowan | Boston Children's Hospital | New | NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response (CEIRR) | 4/1/2022 | 3/31/2023 | $1,000 |
D Wade Clapp | National Institute Of Child Health, Human Devl. | New | Indiana Pediatric Scientist Award (IPSA) | 2/23/2023 | 11/30/2023 | $324,000 |
D Wade Clapp | Riley Children's Foundation | New | Wells MPESC Program- Danaher Foundation | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $100,000 |
D Wade Clapp | Riley Children's Foundation | New | Wells MPESC Program- RCF | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $20,000 |
Dan F Spandau | Wright State University | Renewal (not prev committed) | Wounding therapy and photocarcinogenesis | 9/15/2022 | 8/31/2023 | $245,539 |
Daniel Cater | Nationwide Children's Hospital | New | Transfusion and Organ Dysfunction in Pediatric Septic Shock (TROPICS) study | 3/20/2022 | 2/28/2023 | $9,510 |
Daniel O. Clark | National Institute On Aging | New | MIND Foods and Aerobic Training in Black Adults with HTN: An ADRD Prevention Pilot RCT (MAT) | 3/15/2023 | 2/29/2024 | $686,422 |
Debra K Litzelman | Emory University | Renewal (not prev committed) | Transforming Health Care Education by Preparing Interprofessional Faculty to Lead | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | $13,750 |
Dimitrios Stefanidis | Society Of Amer Gastrointestinal & Endoscopic Surg | New | Determining the Link Between Cognitive Load and Performance Errors during Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial | 3/16/2023 | 6/30/2024 | $50,000 |
Eliza Jheng | American Heart Association Incorporated | New | Role of CNPY2 in Pulmonary Hypertension associated with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction | 4/1/2023 | 3/31/2026 | $231,000 |
Elizabeth Shinmay Yeh | National Cancer Institute | New | Tumor cell -TAM Paracrine Signaling in Breast Cancer | 3/13/2023 | 2/29/2024 | $456,441 |
Emma Monique Tillman | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation | New | Mental Health Research Working Group | 4/1/2023 | 3/31/2024 | $22,992 |
Eric Orman | National Institute Of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney | New | The Transitional Liver Clinic (TLC): Reducing Liver Disease Readmission | 2/1/2023 | 11/30/2023 | $707,588 |
Evelyn Toh | Louisiana State University | New | Analysis of microbiome composition in vaginal specimens by 16S rRNA sequencing | 12/15/2022 | 6/30/2023 | $32,868 |
Fletcher A White | Foundation For Anesthesia Education And Research | New | Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program | 6/5/2023 | 12/1/2023 | $4,100 |
Fletcher A White | Foundation For Anesthesia Education And Research | New | Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program | 5/22/2023 | 12/1/2023 | $6,300 |
Gayle M Gordillo | National Institute Of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney | New | Diabetic Foot Consortium Clinical Research Unit | 3/7/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $565,655 |
Gregory Borschel | Riley Children's Foundation | New | Riley Children's Foundation Funds to Support Research for Neurotrophic Keratopathy (NK) | 3/15/2023 | 3/14/2024 | $12,467 |
Gregory Borschel | Moebius Syndrome Foundation | Renewal (not prev committed) | Surgical treatment to enhance dynamic eyelid closure in patients with Moebius syndrome | 5/1/2023 | 4/30/2024 | $70,000 |
Hannah L Maxey | Indiana Department Of Health | New | Indiana EMS Workforce Assessment | 1/1/2023 | 6/30/2024 | $709,299 |
Hannah L Maxey | Lilly Endowment Incorporated | New | Playbook for Enhancing Indiana's Behavioral Health Workforce | 3/1/2023 | 4/30/2024 | $514,005 |
Heather Kelker | Wayne State University | New | Canine-Assisted Anxiety Reduction In pediatric Emergency Care (CANINE III) | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2023 | $42,500 |
Jie Zhang | Research Foundation State University New York | New | DMS/NIGMS 1: Topological Study on Histological Images and Spatial Transcriptomics | 9/1/2022 | 8/31/2023 | $115,918 |
Joseph O'Neil | Riley Children's Foundation | Renewal (not prev committed) | Binational Collaboration - The Crann Centre CLG and The Department of Paediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine based at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $250,000 |
Kara K Wools-Kaloustian | Fogarty International Center | New | Training in HIV Implementation Science and Dissemination in Kenya | 4/1/2023 | 3/31/2024 | $289,060 |
Kara Kowalczyk | University Hospitals (cleveland) | Renewal (not prev committed) | Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response | 9/30/2022 | 9/29/2023 | $74,000 |
Kenneth Lim | National Heart, Lung And Blood Institute | New | Redefining cardiovascular risk assessment in dialysis patients (ROCK-D) study | 4/1/2023 | 3/31/2024 | $759,372 |
Kenneth P Nephew | Van Andel Institute | Renewal (not prev committed) | VARI-SU2C EPIGENETICS DREAM TEAM | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 | $150,000 |
Kok Lim Kua | Research Foundation State University New York | New | Alpha Lipoic Acid as a Maternal Supplement in Obese Pregnancies | 2/1/2023 | 1/31/2024 | $18,556 |
Laura J Ruhl | Purpleville Foundation | New | AMPATH-Busia Model for UHC | 3/1/2023 | 2/28/2025 | $765,987 |
Liana G Apostolova | Alzheimer Association | New | WW EOAD Genetics Initiative | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2024 | $1,506,500 |
Linda A DiMeglio | Benaroya Research Institute At Virginia Mason | Renewal (not prev committed) | Immune Tolerance Network_ITN095AI, DESIGNATE | 2/1/2023 | 1/31/2024 | $74,947 |
Mark R. Kelley | American Cancer Society, Incorporated | New | Post-Baccalaureate DICR Education Program (IADEP) | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2025 | $660,000 |
Mary R. Ciccarelli | Riley Children's Foundation | Renewal (not prev committed) | Binational Collaboration - The Crann Centre CLG and The Department of Paediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine based at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $250,000 |
Michael T Eadon | National Institute Of General Medical Sciences | Renewal (not prev committed) | Indiana University Comprehensive Training in Clinical Pharmacology | 7/1/2023 | 6/30/2024 | $194,708 |
Michele Lynn Cote | Mayo Clinic, Rochester | New | Biomarkers to Improve Targeting of Breast Cancer Prevention in Women with Atypical Hyperplasia | 1/1/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $4,519 |
Miriam G Kim | Regents Of The University Of California | New | Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium | 9/1/2022 | 8/31/2023 | $6,000 |
Naomi B Swiezy | Indiana Family And Social Services Administration | New | Bridging the gap: Improving outcomes for BDDS consumers by addressing waitlist and systemic provider training barriers. | 11/16/2022 | 2/28/2023 | $50,000 |
Rick F Nelson | National Institute On Deafness And Other Comm. Dis | New | Mechanisms of Mammalian Genetic Hearing Loss | 4/1/2023 | 3/31/2024 | $613,002 |
Robert Michael Einterz | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Renewal (not prev committed) | Delivery Feasibility Consulting Support for Global Health Products | 3/20/2023 | 3/31/2025 | $100,800 |
Roxanna Lefort | University Hospitals (cleveland) | Renewal (not prev committed) | Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response | 9/30/2022 | 9/29/2023 | $74,000 |
Rupa Radhakrishnan | National Institute On Drug Abuse | New | Neuroimaging in Pregnancy to Assess Effects of Opioid Use Disorder | 4/1/2023 | 3/31/2024 | $237,750 |
Sandeep Batra | Public Health Institute | New | 3U10CA180886-09S1 NCTN PCR | 3/1/2022 | 2/28/2023 | $35,000 |
Sandeep Batra | "The Children's Oncology Group Foundation, Inc." | New | Amazon Supplemental Payments | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2026 | $54,000 |
Sandeep Batra | "The Children's Oncology Group Foundation, Inc." | New | Cookies for Kids' Cancer Supplemental Per-Case Reimbursement | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2026 | $54,000 |
Sandeep Batra | "The Children's Oncology Group Foundation, Inc." | New | EVERYCHILD (APEC14B1) PCR - COG FOUNDATION | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2026 | $7,200 |
Sandeep Batra | "The Children's Oncology Group Foundation, Inc." | New | St. Baldrick's Foundation Supplemental Per-Case Reimbursement | 8/1/2022 | 7/31/2026 | $600,000 |
Sarah Elizabeth Wiehe | National Center For Advancing Translational Science | New | Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute | 5/1/2023 | 4/30/2024 | $5,474,745 |
Sashwati Roy | National Institute Of Diabetes, Digestive & Kidney | New | Diabetic Foot Consortium Clinical Research Unit | 3/7/2023 | 12/31/2023 | $565,655 |
Sharon M. Moe | National Center For Advancing Translational Science | New | Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute | 5/1/2023 | 4/30/2024 | $5,474,745 |
Stacey Elaine Tarvin | Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia | New | Biologic Abatement and Capturing Kids' Outcomes & Flare Frequency in Juvenile Spondyloarthritis (BACK-OFF JSpA) | 4/1/2022 | 3/31/2023 | $18,275 |
Stacey Elaine Tarvin | Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia | New | Immunological, serologic, and imaging biomarker predictors of flare in pediatric spondyloarthritis | 9/1/2022 | 8/31/2023 | $6,187 |
Stephanie Ware | National Heart, Lung And Blood Institute | New | Developmental and genetic function of SHROOM3 | 3/1/2023 | 2/29/2024 | $530,916 |
Steve Strakowski | University Of Texas | New | 1/2 Neurodevelopmental and clinical trajectories of youth at risk for bipolar I disorder | 4/1/2022 | 5/31/2023 | $66,202 |
Tarah Jean Ballinger | Ohio State University | New | Examining allostatic load as a mediator of the relationship between genetic ancestry and treatment completion | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | $20,702 |
Tarah Jean Ballinger | Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center | New | Phase 1a/1b Trial of Exercise Treatment with Concurrent First-Line Therapy for Hormone Receptor Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer | 2/20/2023 | 2/19/2028 | $49,000 |
Tiffanie R Johnson | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | New | Predictive modeling of acute rejection in pediatric heart transplant recipients | 7/15/2022 | 6/30/2023 | $31,000 |
Travis S Johnson | Research Foundation State University New York | New | DMS/NIGMS 1: Topological Study on Histological Images and Spatial Transcriptomics | 9/1/2022 | 8/31/2023 | $115,918 |
Troy A Markel | University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill | New | Integrating Patients to Accelerate the Science Towards a World Without NEC | 12/1/2022 | 11/30/2024 | $70,000 |
Vijay R. Ramakrishnan | Arizona State University | New | Scalable 3D molecular imaging and data analysis for cell census generation | 9/15/2022 | 9/14/2024 | $20,521 |
Weinian Shou | Additional Ventures | New | The Role of RNA-Binding Protein QKI in Cardiogenesis | 3/1/2023 | 2/28/2026 | $660,000 |
Wendy Li | Society Of Amer Gastrointestinal & Endoscopic Surg | New | Determining the Link Between Cognitive Load and Performance Errors during Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial | 3/16/2023 | 6/30/2024 | $50,000 |
Wenting Wu | University Of California, San Diego | New | dkNET Coordinating Unit: An information network for FAIR resources and data | 7/1/2022 | 6/30/2023 | $118,834 |
Zachary W Adams | Indiana Family And Social Services Administration | Renewal (not prev committed) | Fidelity Monitoring Project Renewal | 9/30/2022 | 9/30/2023 | $500,000 |
Zeruesenay Desta | National Institute Of General Medical Sciences | Renewal (not prev committed) | Indiana University Comprehensive Training in Clinical Pharmacology | 7/1/2023 | 6/30/2024 | $194,708 |
March 2023 Research Awards
IU School of Medicine May 01, 2023

IU School of Medicine
With more than 60 academic departments and specialty divisions across nine campuses and strong clinical partnerships with Indiana’s most advanced hospitals and physician networks, Indiana University School of Medicine is continuously advancing its mission to prepare healers and transform health in Indiana and throughout the world.
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.