Managers and staff are encouraged to complete IU School of Medicine performance feedback resources and review Performance at IU resources. School units are open to use current methods and resources for performance feedback established with your staff.
The Performance at IU program introduces four guided conversations. Participants will adopt a new conversation each quarter of the calendar year. Learn about the First Quarter Conversations that will guide the annual program (IU Login required).
First Quarter: Expectation Conversations To-Do List
- Managers: Lead a one-on-one conversation with each staff member they supervise about expectations of their role by March 31. Use the conversation guide as a template for the conversation.
- Staff: Participate in an expectation conversation with their leader no later than March 31 and then “attest” to their participation using a quick online form. The conversation guide shows the recommended topics for the conversation.
IUHR and HR professionals at IU are here to assist you and your team in adopting the four conversations that will drive IU’s culture of conversations. Please review details below for live training sessions, recorded sessions, support sessions, and additional resources you will find helpful. More events will be added as the 2023 rollout continues.
These educational sessions will help you better understand the overall process, how it works, and share how to lead or participate in a conversation that sets expectations. Click a link to register or view the sessions.
Performance at IU Training and Support Sessions
- For Leaders/Managers: Feb. 20; 11 a.m.–Noon, Feb. 22; 11 a.m.–Noon
- For Staff: Feb. 23; 10–11 a.m., Feb. 23; 2–3 p.m.
Upcoming Conversations:
Second Quarter: Check-In Conversations
Third Quarter: Development Conversations
Fourth Quarter: Annual Performance Conversations