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The Engineering in Medicine Institute is a flagship effort combining the strengths of IU School of Medicine and the Purdue University College of Engineering.

Engineering in Medicine Institute announces application process for funding

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The Engineering in Medicine Institute is a flagship effort combining the strengths of IU School of Medicine and the Purdue University College of Engineering. The goal of the new Engineering in Medicine Institute is to create an environment between Purdue Engineering and IU School of Medicine that fosters innovation and translation, as well as partnership with premier industries in Indiana. To maximize the rapid success of the Engineering in Medicine Institute, there is an initial focus on five targeted areas: cardiovascular health, cancer, musculoskeletal health, otolaryngology and pediatrics. The goal of these research collaborations is to develop novel technologies and approaches that will lead to innovative approaches and engineered systems for improved patient care.

Pilot project program
The pilot project program is designed to support collaborative research between IU School of Medicine and the Purdue University College of Engineering. Research projects of particular interest include (but are not limited to) those related to cardiovascular health, cancer diagnosis and treatment, musculoskeletal health, otolaryngology and pediatric medicine. The metric of success for the pilot project program is the generation of peer-reviewed publications and external grant applications.

The pilot project program will provide $50,000 per year for each pilot project with the opportunity to obtain a second year of support if the initial required milestone (a submitted co-authored publication) is met. The $50,000 total grant funding will be administered as two $25,000 grants (direct cost—one each to Purdue and IU School of Medicine per project). Submitted budgets should reflect this. Funds will be provided for five projects per year. Depending on the proportion of one- and two-year pilots in a given year, the balance of new and second-year pilots will vary each year. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee composed of faculty from Purdue University and IU School of Medicine. Funded proposals will provide an annual progress report and will present results at the annual Engineering in Medicine symposium.

Applications to the pilot project program must include the following elements:
• Cover page
o Proposal title
o Names and affiliations of principal investigators
• Scientific proposal (max 2 pages with one additional page for references)
o Describe how the project will provide new opportunities for potential future funding
• Milestones and deliverables for the first year and if a second year of funding is requested, then the
  milestones and deliverables for the second year (max 1 page)
• Biosketch of key personnel at both institutions (NIH format, max 5 pages/biosketch)
• Budget (Template provided–see below)

Applications will be received once a year and the deadline for 2022 is 11:59 pm on November 18.

Applications should be submitted to either Sam Scahill at IU School of Medicine or Lee Hua Chiang at Purdue University.

Decisions will be made by December 16, 2022. Pilot funding will begin January 1, 2023.

With questions, contact David Umulis or Tatiana Foroud.

Engineering in Medicine budget and justification template

A. Purdue budget

Personnel (Acceptable personnel include technicians, research staff and students. Faculty salary is not allowed.)

Supplies (Specify expected reagents and supplies cost and quantities.)

Core facilities usage (Include hourly rates, expected hours, etc.)

Travel (Travel budget proposed must be clearly specified for how it relates to the proposed project.)

B. IU School of Medicine budget

Personnel (Acceptable personnel include technicians, research staff and students. Faculty salary is not allowed.)

Supplies (Specify expected reagents and supplies cost and quantities.)

Core facilities usage (Include hourly rates, expected hours, etc.)

Travel (Travel budget proposed must be clearly specified for how it relates to the proposed project.)

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IU School of Medicine

With more than 60 academic departments and specialty divisions across nine campuses and strong clinical partnerships with Indiana’s most advanced hospitals and physician networks, Indiana University School of Medicine is continuously advancing its mission to prepare healers and transform health in Indiana and throughout the world.

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