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Inclusive Excellence Travel Grant

Recognizing the importance of medical students, graduate students, residents, and fellows presenting research as part of their academic and professional development, the Center for Inclusive Excellence grants travel awards to individuals interested in showcasing their scholarly research and/or developing their professional skills and networks. Allocation of these resources is done with the intention of supporting endeavors that provide educational value to our trainees and to the greater IU School of Medicine community. Should funding be provided, conference attendees are responsible for disseminating information about the conference back to the respective affinity or interest groups.

Apply for a travel grant

Submit your application for funding at least 30 days before travel.

Meeting the Growing Demand

Expanding support for learner professional development

While we are committed to supporting as many learner opportunities as possible, the demand for funding often exceeds our annual capacity. 

We receive numerous applications from passionate medical students, graduate students, residents, and fellows, each eager to seize opportunities that will advance their academic and professional growth. Although we would love to fund every professional development endeavor, limited resources mean that we cannot accommodate all requests.

The Center for Inclusive Excellence is focused on collecting information to better understand the interest levels and rising costs associated with these opportunities. By gathering information that demonstrates the high demand, we are advocating for expanded support and increased funding allocations, with the ultimate goal of providing more robust and inclusive opportunities for all learners at the IU School of Medicine. 

Professional development in these areas is especially important as it directly contributes to creating a more equitable health care landscape and supports the development of leaders who are committed to addressing systemic challenges in medicine. By highlighting the high demand and showcasing the critical need for these opportunities, we are advocating for expanded support and increased funding allocations, with the ultimate goal of providing more robust and inclusive opportunities for all learners at the IU School of Medicine.

four diverse students pose for a photo at the sacnas conference

Please note: Any funds awarded to medical and graduate students will be distributed to the student’s account unless otherwise noted. Residents’ and fellows’ reimbursements will be processed via check or direct deposit unless otherwise noted. Group funding requests will be considered, but are not guaranteed. Approval for group funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis, pending availability of funds and Director approval. No individual will be eligible for more than $500 during an academic year.

All travel must be completed prior to graduation. It is strongly encouraged that funding be used to present diversity-related research or attend a diversity-related conference.


The following items must be included in your submission:
  • Completed application
  • One page letter of intent briefly describing how your experiences and perspectives promote health equity and exemplify inclusive excellence. 
  • A curriculum vitae

Submit completed application at least 30 days before travel.

Inquiries about the application or components of the application should be directed to

Submit an application