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In Vitro Diagnostics Development and Clinical Trials

The In Vitro Diagnostics Development and Clinical Trials Group offers integrated services for every stage of clinical research – from development to commercialization. A results-driven academic enterprise, this group provides professional clinical laboratory medicine expertise for the laboratory diagnostics industry. The group’s clinical footprint and centralized laboratory affords near limitless resources for the evaluation of developing clinical laboratory technologies.

Contract and IRB Flow

Clinical Research Handout

Request Services

Investigators interested in research support from the InVitro Diagnostic Development and Clinical Trials Group can request services by contacting the administrative office.


The In Vitro Diagnostics Development and Clinical Trials Group team evaluates new In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) devices or assays by comparison to conventional laboratory testing and/or similar molecular or analytic tests. Available services include reproducibility/precision testing, access to banks of clinical samples/tissue/microorganisms for the evaluation of new technologies, assays, antimicrobials and detection/identification systems. The research team is comprised of personnel that are ACRP/SOCRA certified with many years’ experience in all phases and processes for conducting clinical research (GCPs, IRB submissions, contract negotiations).


The In Vitro Diagnostics Development and Clinical Trials Group is actively involved with numerous corporations/investigators in the development of new technologies (alpha, beta, pre-clinical, investigator-initiated studies), collaborating with industrial and academic organizations on any phase of the developmental research and clinical trial process, including expert review of biopsy histopathology or cytology.

Examples of Completed Studies and Clinical Trials

Blood Detection and Identification of Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi

Blood and Body Fluid Culture Systems

Evaluation of Liquid and Solid Media for Recovery and Identification of Microorganisms

Phenotypic Identification and Susceptibility Testing of Microorganisms

Molecular Identification of Microorganisms and Resistance Markers

Identification of Bacteria, Fungi, Mycobacteria and Viruses by PCR, Real-time PCR and other Molecular tests

Evaluation of “Syndromic” Molecular Panels for Identification of Microorganisms

Traditional virus culture and Viral Load determination by molecular methods

ANAs and ENAs

HIV Testing

Fungal serology and Antigen testing

Cervical and Anal Cancer Screening (HPV-related) by Molecular Methods and Biopsy Interpretation

Tumor-associated antigens

Tumor metabolomic markers

Tumor genetic markers

Thyroid assays


Pre-eclampsia assays


Troponin Assays

Automated U/A

HIT (Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia)


PT, PTT, Thrombin factor deficiencies


Glucose and Hb A1c

Lipid assays

Thyroid assays