
The Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics offers training to students and postdoctoral fellows to provide the necessary skills to design, analyze and interpret complex, large-scale experiments. Center faculty participate in master’s- and- doctoral-level training programs in the areas of Biochemistry, Biostatistics, Informatics, and Medical and Molecular Genetics.

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology offers courses and training for medical students as well as MS and PhD graduate students to apply biomedical science and bioinformatics to genomics, proteomics and systems biology.

The Department of Biostatistics and Health Data Science offers MD program electives, PhD degrees and short courses for biomedical researchers.

The School of Informatics and Computing at IUPUI offers graduate degrees and training in bioinformatics, data science and health informatics.

The Medical and Molecular Genetics PhD program offers coursework and training in genomics and quantitative biomedical informatics.

Indiana Genomics Research Training Program for Data Scientists (INGEN4DS)

The INGEN4DS training program provides a mechanism for students currently enrolled in Indiana University master’s degree programs in data science to gain research experience and academic training in genomics during the second year of their degree programs. In this one-year fellowship, INGEN4DS scholars receive mentored hands-on exposure to genomics data sets and career development opportunities that prepares them to enter the genomics workforce, apply to PhD programs, or participate in genomics research.

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Bioinformatics Boot Camp

Faculty in the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics have created a self-paced video course entitled, “Elements of Bioinformatics for Biologists.” The objective of this course is to provide basic bioinformatics training for biologists through short video training modules (5-30 min) that include didactic lectures and hands-on demos.

Topics include:

  • Next-generation sequencing overview
  • RNA-seq: Basic concepts, mapping, gene expression quantification, quality control, MDS plots, and differential gene expression
  • Sequencing data visualization, functional analysis, and interpretation
  • Public domain data resources
  • ChIP-seq/ATAC-seq: Basic concepts, quality control, peak calling, differential binding, Cistrome, and GREAT
  • Mass spectroscopy overview
  • Proteomics bioinformatics: databases, analysis and visualization tools
  • Quantitative mass spectroscopy and statistics: label-free proteomics approaches, tandem mass tag-based multiplexing, SILAC, normalization, MultiOMICS analysis.

Video modules are freely available on YouTube.

YouTube: Bioinformatics Boot Camp Video Modules

Questions? Email Jill Reiter.