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Robinson Lab

The research lab of Christopher M. Robinson, PhD focuses on the complex methods in which enteric viruses traverse the intestinal environment to initiate infection. The laboratory specifically identifies intestinal factors that influence viral replication.

Enteric viruses initiate infection in the diverse environment of the gastrointestinal tract, yet the impact of this environment on intestinal infection is unclear. By characterizing intestinal factors that alter enteric viral virulence, potential therapeutic targets may be identified.

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Sex-dependent Replication of Coxsackievirus

Using coxsackievirus– a model enteric virus– the Robinson Lab studies how biological sex can influence viral replication in the intestine. By using an oral-inoculated mouse model the lab found that, similar to humans, male mice succumb to coxsackievirus-induced disease, whereas females do not. Additionally, coxsackievirus replication in the intestine of male mice is enhanced and may be regulated by sex hormones. The Robinson Lab current focuses on using in vitro and in vivo approaches to determine the mechanism behind sex-dependent replication and pathogenesis of coxsackievirus.

Intestinal Bacteria

The intestine is home to a large community of bacteria that are vital for human health. Emerging data suggest that intestinal bacteria enhance replication and pathogenesis of enteric viruses, yet the mechanism of these interactions remain unclear. The Robinson Lab is interested in understanding the mechanisms and consequences of the interactions between intestinal bacteria and enteric viruses using coxsackievirus and other picornaviruses as a model.

Research Funding

NIH/NIDDK K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award

Recent Publications

Robinson CM, Wang Y, Pfeiffer JK. Sex-dependent replication of an enteric virus. J Virol. 2017 Mar 13;91(7). pii: e02101-16.

Robinson CM, Pfeiffer JK. Virology. Leaping the norovirus hurdle. Science. 2014. Nov 7;346(6210):700-1.

Robinson CM, Pfeiffer JK. Viruses and the microbiota. Annu Rev Virol. 2014. Vol. 1. 55-69.

Robinson CM*, Jesudhasan PR*, Pfeiffer JK. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide binding enhances virion stability and promotes environmental fitness of an enteric virus. Cell Host Microbe. 2014.15:36-46. [*co-first author].

Robinson CM, Singh G, Lee JY, Dehghan S, Rajaiya J, Liu EB, Yousuf MA, Betensky RA, Jones MS, Dyer DW, Seto D, Chodosh J. Molecular evolution of human adenoviruses. Nature Sci. Rep. 2013. May 9;3:1812.

Robinson CM*, Zhou X*, Rajaiya J, Yousuf MA, Singh G, DeSerres JJ, Walsh MP, Wong S, Seto D, Dyer DW, Chodosh J, Jones MS. Predicting the next eye pathogen: analysis of a novel adenovirus. mBio. 2013. April 9;(4)2. [*co-first author].

Robinson CM, Seto D, Jones MS, Dyer DW, Chodosh J. Molecular evolution of human species D adenoviruses. Infect Genet Evol. 2011.

Robinson CM, Singh G, Henquell C, Walsh MP, Peigue-Lafeuille H, Seto D, Jones MS, Dyer DW, Chodosh J. Computational analysis and identification of an emergent human adenovirus pathogen implicated in a respiratory fatality. Virology. 2011;409(2):141-7.

Robinson CM, Rajaiya J, Walsh MP, Seto D, Dyer DW, Jones MS, Chodosh J. Computational analysis of human adenovirus type 22 provides evidence for recombination between adenovirus species D in the penton base gene. J Virol. 2009;83:8980-8985.

Robinson CM, Shariati F, Gillaspy AF, Dyer, DW, Chodosh J. Genomic sequence and analysis of human adenovirus type 37: new insights into corneal tropism. BMC Genomics. 2008;9:213.

Research Team

38121-Robinson, Christopher

Christopher M. Robinson, PhD

Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

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Additional Research Team Members

Other research team members in the Robinson Lab include April Barnard (PhD Student) and Tara Schmidt (Research Technician).