Malaria Research in Kenya

John has been working on malaria research in Kenya since the 1990’s, in collaboration with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). The goal of the John Lab is malaria elimination in areas of low and unstable malaria transmission in the Kenyan Highlands. Current research focuses on malaria control and elimination strategies; understanding immunological factors associated with low transmission, seasonal peaks, and epidemics; and bionomic characteristics of the Anopheles mosquitos.

Goal: The goal of this study is to understand how changes in malaria transmission, and particularly a sharp decrease in malaria transmission, affects immune responses to malaria, and to assess whether a decrease in specific responses may lead to increased future susceptibility to malaria.
Award Number: 17-A33
Funding Agency: Riley Children’s Foundation
PI: Chandy John; Site PI: George Ayodo; Co-investigators: Lindsey Turnbull, Stephen Munga
Dates: 01/01/15 – 12/31/20
Sites: Kisumu and North Nandi County, Kenya

Goal: The primary objective of this study is to accurately understand the species composition and bionomic characteristics (feeding and resting behaviors – as they relate to both interventions in use as well as human behaviors) of Anopheles vectors in the Kenyan Highlands towards developing and optimizing intervention strategies.
Award Number: N/A
Funding Agency: Indiana CTSI
PI: Neil Lobo; Co-PI: Chandy John; Co-investigators: Lindsey Turnbull, George Ayodo, Stephen Munga
Dates: 04/01/19 – 03/31/20
Sites: Kipsamoite and Kapsisiywa, Kenya