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Garcia Lab

The Garcia lab at IU School of Medicine–Evansville focuses on understanding the processes of brain development and degeneration, as well as their relationships to neurological and psychiatric disorders. We use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and mechanics-based modeling to gain insight into the processes of brain folding, maturation, and atrophy. We also engage in collaborative clinical and translational research studies, through which we aim to eventually “bridge the gap” between scientific understanding and clinical intervention related to observed brain phenomena.

modeling of brains shows the cycle of brain folds developing

Active Research

Mapping trajectories of cortical growth and degeneration

Using novel, physics-based approaches to analyze human MRI datasets, we have mapped the spatial patterns of cortical growth during development of preterm infants, human fetuses, and in children up to age 10. Recent work has applied the same methods to map patterns of cortical atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease and normal aging. 

In the News
multicolor imaging scans of folding patterns in the brains of premature babies.

3-D mapping babies’ brains

Examining brain folds—as unique to an individual as fingerprints—could hold key to new diagnostic tools.

Washington University in St. Louis | Mar 9, 2018

In the News
emily stands in front of her research poster
Women in Medicine

MedSTAR fellowship fuels Indiana University medical student’s passion for research

Indiana University School of Medicine–Evansville student Emily Iannopollo, Class of 2023, is the first student at her campus to complete the MedSTAR fellowship. The research that was conducted during her fellowship culminated in her authoring a paper published in a respected medical journal with findings from her work in the field of Alzheimer’s disease.

In the News
portrait of kara garcia

IU School of Medicine-Evansville faculty receives grant to lead new study on Alzheimer’s disease

An Indiana University School of Medicine-Evansville faculty member has received a grant from the Alzheimer’s Association for new research to enhance detection of cortical atrophy in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

Connecting the mechanobiology of tissue and cells in cerebral cortical folding

As part of a multi-institution collaboration, our team is integrating data from biological and imaging studies into advanced finite element models of brain folding, incorporating mechanobiological behaviors like stretch-induced axon elongation (“towed growth”). Recent work suggests an important role for folding-induced tension to guide axon organization within the developing white matter.

Cover Article
an orange and blue scan of a brain to measure cortical folding.

Mechanics of cortical folding: stress, growth and stability

Cortical folding, or gyrification, coincides with several important developmental processes. However, despite decades of study, the mechanical forces that lead to cortical folding remain incompletely understood.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

In the News
scan of brain folding

IU School of Medicine research shows how wrinkles in brain might influence function

Research from Indiana University School of Medicine shows how formation of the brain’s characteristic wrinkles may influence how brains are wired. For more than 50 years, researchers have tried to understand why brain folding—development of the characteristic wrinkles of the cerebral cortex—occurs. 

In the News
illustration of how a brain fold develops

New research shows how brain wrinkles might influence brain function

New research clarifies how the brain’s telltale wrinkles and folds develop as a result of mechanical feedback as the brain develops before birth.

OHSU Research News | Dec 2, 2021

Clinical and translational research in brain and mental health

The Garcia lab is engaged in several clinical and translational collaborations related to cognition and mental health. Special interests include sensory processing differences in high-risk pediatric populations, cognitive therapies for pediatric cancer survivors, and novel technologies to improve outcomes in children with Type 1 diabetes.

Learn More
a building with stone and glass facade on a gray rainy day

Mary O’Daniel Stone and Bill Stone Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at IU School of Medicine–Evansville

The Stone Center seeks to fundamentally alter and improve the standard of care for people with bipolar disorder, and dramatically increase access to psychiatric care for children and youth in southwestern Indiana.

In the News
Young cancer survivors
Cancer Research

Researchers secure grant to better understand barriers to cancer survivorship for adolescents and young adults

A team of researchers at IU School of Medicine have received $100,000 in pilot funding to research how best to deliver cancer survivorship healthcare to adolescents and young adults in southwest Indiana.

Current Research Funding

Connecting the mechanobiology of tissue and cells in cerebral cortical folding
NIH R01 NS111948 (PIs: Kroenke, Bayly)
The goal of this project is to understand how biological factors (cellular changes due to sensory input) contribute to cortical growth and folding.
Funding Period: 07/25/19–04/30/24

Bridging the gap between early cortical growth and functional brain deficits
Galloway Foundation Award (PI: Garcia)
The goal of this project is to link differences in brain growth, observable during the first few years of life, to clinical assessments related to autism, developmental delay, and psychiatric disorders. 
Funding Period: 08/02/21–09/12/24

Enhanced detection of cortical atrophy as a biomarker of early decline
Alzheimer’s Association Research Grant – New to Field (PI: Garcia)
The goal of this project is to link differences in cortical atrophy of specific brain regions to early cognitive deficits associated with typical and atypical Alzheimer’s disease progression. 
Funding Period: 06/01/22–05/31/25

Key Publications

  • Robinson EC, Garcia KE, Glasser MF, Chen Z, Coalson TS, Makropoulos A, Bozek J, Wright R, Schuh A, Webster M, Hutter J, Price A, Cordero Grande L, Hughes E, Tusor N, Bayly PV, Van Essen DC, Smith SM, Edwards AD, Hajnal J, Jenkenson M, Glocker B, Rueckert D. Multimodal Surface Matching with higher order smoothness constraints. Neuroimage. 31 Oct 2017. 
  • Garcia KE, Robinson EC, Alexopoulos D, Dierker DL, Glasser MF, Coalson TS, Ortinau CM, Rueckert DR, Taber LA, Van Essen DC, Rogers CE, Smyser CD, Bayly PV. Dynamic patterns of cortical expansion during folding of the preterm human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 5 Mar 2018. 
  • Garcia KE, Kroenke CD, Bayly PV. Mechanics of cortical folding: stress, growth, and stability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 25 Sept 2018. 
  • Garcia KE, Wang X, Kroenke CD. A model of tension-induced fiber growth predicts white matter organization during brain folding. Nature Communications. 18 Nov 2021. 
  • Iannopollo E, Garcia KE. Enhanced detection of cortical atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease using structural MRI with anatomically constrained longitudinal registration. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 3576-3592. 14 May 2021.
  • Wood J, Garcia KE, Carey R. Increased prevalence of sensory processing issues in pediatric gastrointestinal patient population. The Permanente Journal. 30 Nov 2022.
  • Balouchzadeh R, Bayly PV, Garcia KE. Effects of stress-dependent growth on evolution of sulcal direction and curvature in models of cortical folding. Brain Multiphysics. 8 Mar 2023.

View a full list of publications on PubMed

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Research Team

Principal Investigator
42731-Garcia, Kara

Kara Garcia, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Read Bio


Sammy Rigdon
Data Analyst


Christopher Basinski
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University

Elizabeth Bell
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University (co-advised, Rudolph Lab at Notre Dame)

Meghana Bhaskara
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 

Sarah Doherty
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 

Victoria Rone
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 

Anmoldeep Singh
Undergraduate Student Researcher, Indiana University

Simeon Standridge
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University

Students in Collaborating Labs

Ramin Balouchzadeh
Graduate Student Researcher, Washington University in St. Louis (co-advised, Bayly Lab)

Lisa Gorham 
Graduate Student Researcher, Washington University in St. Louis (co-advised, WUNDER Lab)

Brittany Ritzman
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University (co-advised, Sajdyk Lab)

Joseph Sakel
Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University (co-advised, Sajdyk Lab)


Ryan Plunkett, MD
Past Role: Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 
Current: Medical Resident (Internal Medicine), St. Louis University

Emily Iannopollo, MD
Past Role: Medical Student Researcher and MedSTAR Scholar, Indiana University 
Current: Medical Resident (Adult Neurology), Washington University 

Adam Lonnberg, MD
Past Role: Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 
Current: Medical Resident (Adult Neurology), Cleveland Clinic

Carly Waggoner, MD
Past Role: Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 
Current: Medical Resident (Internal Medicine), Indiana University 

Shannon Gidley, MD
Past Role: Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University 
Current: Medical Resident, Indiana University 

Anthony Alfonso
Past Role: Medical Student Researcher, Indiana University
Current: Medical Student, Indiana University 

John Vieth
Past Role: Undergraduate Student Researcher, University of Southern Indiana

Christopher Basinski
Past Role: Undergraduate Student Researcher, Purdue University
Current: Medical Student, Indiana University 

Uday Lomada
Past Role: Undergraduate Student Researcher, University of Southern Indiana

Meghana Bhaskara
Past Role: Undergraduate Student Researcher, University of Evansville
Current: Medical Student, Indiana University