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Bidwell Lab

The research lab of Joseph P. Bidwell, PhD, focuses on the improvement of therapies for restoring bone lost to osteoporosis or other diseases. Investigators in this lab have identified a gene that represses the efficacy of medications used to add new bone to the osteoporotic skeleton. They are using state-of-the-art molecular, cellular and animal-model approaches to design strategies for blocking the action of this gene, including techniques that inhibit the bone inhibitor. The U.S. Department of Defense and Eli Lilly and Company currently funds the ongoing work in this laboratory.

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Young SK, Shao Y, Bidwell JP, Wek RC. 2016 Nuclear Matrix Protein 4 is a Novel Regulator of Ribosome Biogenesis and Controls the Unfolded Protein Response Via Repression of Gadd34 Expression. J Biol Chem. 2016 Apr 29. pii: jbc.M116.729830. [Epub ahead of print]

Childress P, Stayrook KR, Alvarez MB, Wang Z, Shao Y, Hernandez-Buquer S, Mack JK, Grese ZR, He Y, Horan D, Pavalko FM, Warden SJ, Robling AG, Yang FC, Allen MR, Krishnan V, Liu Y, Bidwell JP. 2015 Genome-Wide Mapping and Interrogation of the Nmp4 Anti-anabolic Bone Axis. Mol Endocrinol. 29(9):1269-85.

Hum JM, Day RN, Bidwell JP, Wang Y, Pavalko FM. 2014 Mechanical loading in osteocytes induces formation of a Src/Pyk2/MBD2 complex that suppresses anabolic gene expression. PLoS One. 9(5):e97942.

He Y, Childress P, Hood M Jr, Alvarez M, Kacena MA, Hanlon M, McKee B, Bidwell JP, Yang FC. 2013 Nmp4/CIZ suppresses the parathyroid hormone anabolic window by restricting mesenchymal stem cell and osteoprogenitor frequency. Stem Cells Dev. 22(3):492-500.

Bidwell JP, Alvarez MB, Hood M Jr, Childress P. 2013 Functional impairment of bone formation in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis: the bone marrow regenerative competence. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 11(2):117-25.

Bidwell JP, Childress P, Alvarez MB, Hood M Jr, He Y, Pavalko FM, Kacena MA, Yang FC. 2012 Nmp4/CIZ closes the parathyroid hormone anabolic window. Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr. 22(3):205-18.

Faculty Research Team

13608-Bidwell, Joseph

Joseph P. Bidwell, PhD

Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology

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