Indiana University School of Medicine has a rich history of successful international academic partnerships that offer in-depth global health education and experience for interested trainees. A global health experience has a profound effect on physicians and other health care providers personally and professionally. For students and faculty at IU School of Medicine, the IU Center for Global Health serves as an anchor for global health curricula and a resource for students and faculty in any discipline who wish to engage in global health.
IU School of Medicine's international footprint in health care spans more than ten countries and four continents and offers students incredible opportunities to train globally.
Global Health Education Experts
Life-Changing Experiences
IU School of Medicine medical students, residents and fellows consistently describe their global health experience as life-changing and rate the opportunity as one of the premier experiences of their medical training. A study published by IU School of Medicine collaborators compared long-term career choices to those who participated in a global health program with those of a control group. The study concluded that the participants of a global health program were more likely to be generalist physicians working with underserved populations, who are especially cost-conscious in health care decision-making and in careers focusing on global health, public health or public policy.
Medical Student Education
MD students can choose from a variety of short- and long-term global experiences, ranging from online courses to extended stays with host families in partner countries.

Graduate Medical Education
Resident physicians interested in pursuing a career in global health can work through an interdisciplinary residency track. Shorter-term electives in global health are also available to residents.