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The Ruth Lilly Medical Library serves researchers, students and the general public. Information on the policies regarding the use of library resources are available on this page. This library adheres to Indiana University library policies.

Circulation Policies

For more information on computer usage, borrowing and returning materials, lending periods, overdue fines, reserve materials, and lockers see links below.

Computer Use

View the Ruth Lilly Medical Library Collection Development policy.

All Indiana University School of Medicine faculty, staff and students are eligible to check-out materials at the Medical Library using their IU School of Medicine ID card. Guest cards issued by IUPUI University Library and other Indiana University Libraries to Indiana citizens cannot be used at the Ruth Lilly Medical Library.

Indiana Health Care Professionals are eligible to apply for a library card to borrow print books, but they must present a valid Indiana University identification card, Indiana health care professional license, educational credentials in a health care field, or proof of membership in an association for health care professionals. Upon accepting a Medical Library card, the borrower is financially responsible for materials checked out on the card and agrees to abide by the Circulation policies (lending periods, returns, overdue fines, and holds) of the Medical Library. Indiana Health Care Professionals wishing to apply for a library card should check with the Circulation Desk staff. Lost or stolen borrowers cards should be reported to the Circulation Desk at 317-274-7182.

Print books are loaned for 30 days and can be renewed up to two times. Books may be renewed using the My Account portal in IUCat or renewed in person, by phone or by emailing In rare cases, the borrower may be contacted by Circulation Staff and asked to return items before the due date if another person has an urgent need for them.

After the two renewals, a borrower must return the books to the circulation desk. At that time, if another person has not requested a hold on the book, it may be checked out again and is once again eligible for two additional renewals.

Journal volumes can be borrowed for 24 hours to Indiana University School of Medicine faculty, staff and students. For Reserve Books, the loan period varies from two hours to two weeks, usually at the request of the instructor or faculty member. Reference Books ad Serials are available for in-library use only.

All books, journals and other materials are to be returned at the Circulation Desk. After hours, books may be dropped into the Book Return Bin outside the Library door.

Regular overdue fines are 50 cents per day per item. Item(s) not returned after 28 days are billed for the cost of each item plus a $25.00 processing fee per item. Reserve materials are $1.00 per day per item. A borrower who has overdue items is not allowed to check-out or renew library materials until bills and fines are settled.

Holds may be placed on a book or books that are checked out by contacting or stopping by the Circulation Desk. After a hold is place, the requester will receive an email when the book is ready for check-out.

IU School of Medicine faculty or staff wishing to place a textbook on reserve at the library should contact the Circulation Desk at 317-274-7182.

Textbook Purchase Policy

The Medical Library provides access to materials to enable further study and research. Users should not rely solely on the library for any required print or required electronic textbook. Library eBook access is not always permanent. Students should purchase required course texts.

The Medical Library’s budget does not allow for the purchase of multiple copies of a textbook. If a department or other entity based in Indianapolis wishes to supply a textbook or multiple copies of a textbook to the Medical Library, the Library will add them to the reserve shelf and manage check-in and check-out.

How long the textbooks remain on the reserve is determined by the Library in consultation with the department’s representative. At the end of the time period, arrangements can be made to return the books to the department, if desired.

Locker Policies

Lockers in the Ruth Lilly Medical Library are provided for the use of IU School of Medicine students. Lockers are intended for temporary storage of personal items for students who do not have access to a permanent storage area on campus. The purpose of this policy is to provide for the safe and efficient management of the lockers for the benefit of all students. The School is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to personal property stored in lockers. Lockers are not intended for long-term storage. Personal items must be cleared from lockers each day. Lockers will be randomly monitored each morning for exceptions. Items left in a locker for more than 24 hours may be removed by library staff.

If library staff observes that a locker has been in continuous use for more than 24 hours, a warning sticker will be placed on the locker indicating a deadline for removal of items. If items are not removed by the deadline, the contents of the locker will be removed by two library staff and placed in the library lost and found. Items not claimed after thirty (30) days will be discarded. Valuables removed from lockers such as phones and credit cards will immediately be turned over to campus police.

If a locker user is locked out of his or her locker, library staff can open the locker to retrieve the items. Anyone requesting the opening of a locker will be required to produce a photo ID and fill out a form before the contents of the locker can be released. Documentation of the incident will be kept for thirty (30) days. Locked out or missing items? Contact the Circulation desk at or by phone at 317-274-7182.

Sign Policies

The Medical Library welcomes IU School of Medicine students, staff and faculty to post announcements and advertisements for events that promote collaboration and community and offers space for these postings. The Library has a digital sign on the first floor and five bulletin boards for posting flyers. Bulletin boards are located outside the first, second and third floors restrooms, on the first floor by the first stairway, and on the second floor near the elevators.

Digital advertisements are posted for no longer than one week. Digital advertisements that promote events held at the Medical Library have first priority; all others are at the discretion of library staff. Accuracy of information is the responsibility of the person, group or office submitting the advertisement. Please allow seven days for digital signs to be posted. Requests for posts to the digital sign are submitted by emailing

Every item should have a date, either within the text or a posted date written somewhere. Items may remain for 30 days after posted date or one day after event ends. Library staff will add a posted date if none exists, and the item will be removed 30 days after that date.

Equipment Policies

Users of the library’s in-house computers must follow Indiana University’s Acceptable Use Policy. Non-IU affiliated guests who wish to use the library computers for medical research need to supply a photo ID and request a guest account at the Circulation Desk. Guest accounts are valid for one day. Given the limited number of computers in the Medical Library, IU School of Medicine researchers receive priority over guest users. Many of the Library’s online resources are also accessible from our Indianapolis campus's University Library public computers.