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Using cutting-edge brain imaging techniques to understand the chemistry, function and structure of the brain.
Ten neuroimaging scans of the brain in blue hues.

Yoder Neuroimaging Lab

The lab of Karmen Yoder, PhD is interested in using cutting-edge brain imaging techniques to understand the chemistry, function and structure of the brain. Positron emission tomography (PET) allows investigators to study the dopamine system, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy provides complementary information about the chemical composition of the brain. The lab uses structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) to look at gray and white matter, and to study the white matter tract connections between brain regions. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides the ability to understand brain activation and inactivation “at rest”, and during behavioral and cognitive tasks of interest.  

Currently, the Yoder Lab is focused on the effects of acute and chronic exposure to alcohol and cigarettes, which are key to understanding what underlies addictive disorders. The lab is also interested in the long-term consequences of chemotherapy, which alters the cognitive abilities in breast cancer patients. In addition, the lab is interested in neuroimmune function, chronic pain and collaborates with labs within the Center for Neuroimaging that study traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative disorders.

Want to participate?

Interested in being a subject? To participate in a chemotherapy study, please contact Yoder Lab Personnel at or call (317) 278-5684.

To participate in the alcohol and smoking study, complete an online form for the Yoder Lab to determine eligibility. 

Alcohol Research

The lab is currently recruiting subjects to study the effects of acute alcohol intoxication and lifetime drinking history on brain structure, function and chemistry. Additionally, the lab is recruiting people who drink alcohol regularly.  

Smoking Research

It's known that smoking is bad for the lungs and heart. However, the effects smoking has on the brain is still a mystery. The Yoder Lab is actively recruiting current and former cigarette smokers for a study funded by the National Institute of Health. 

Chemotherapy Research

Chemotherapy causes cancer patients to suffer from cognitive problems, including memory and concentration. The neurotransmitter dopamine is critical for being able to think clearly. The Yoder Lab is recruiting breast cancer survivors and healthy controls to understand how chemo alters brain dopamine and memory.  


Fill out the initial survey.  If you qualify, lab personnel will contact you to schedule a more extensive in-person interview. 

Please contact Yoder Lab Personnel at or call (317) 278-5684 to inform the lab of your interest in the chemotherapy study.

Yes, you will be paid. The amount depends on the study. Lab personnel can tell you more about the specific studies when they contact you.  

Lab Members
6553-Yoder, Karmen

Karmen K. Yoder, PhD

Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

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