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Crum Lab

The laboratory research team led by Kathleen I. Crum, PhD, who runs the Lifespan Resiliency After Family Trauma (LifeRAFT) Program. LifeRAFT’s mission is to research how stress can have an impact across generations by influencing brain development, behavior and caregiver-child relationships. The team uses behavioral and neurobiological measures, such as MRI and polygenic risk, to answer these research questions. 

Dr. Crum collaborates with other IU School of Medicine colleagues through the Adolescent Behavioral Health Research Program as well as scientists at Medical University of South Carolina, Boys Town National Research Hospital and the University of Copenhagen. 

Read Dr. Crum's Bio


The Crum research team is made up of scientists, clinicians and trainees who are currently setting up several projects, including research on how early life stress influences risk for substance use and other problematic outcomes in adolescence and adulthood.

The largest anticipated research project asks the question, “How does parental stress from difficult life experiences combine with parental substance use to influence children’s brain function and behavior?” This project will recruit several groups of parents and their children between the ages of 10 to 14. Parents to be included in the research project will be those with stress related to difficult life experiences, problematic substance use, and both, as well as parents without either of these difficulties. Children will undergo an MRI scan and all participants will answer questionnaires and sit for brief interviews.

Participants will complete one in-person visit with six- and twelve-moth follow-up questionnaires. 

Participants can earn up to $309.40.

What is Involved if I participate?

Parents will complete a brief screening phone call to determine eligibility of them and their child.
If both the parent and child are eligible for the study, then they will be invited to attend an in-person study visit.

The study visit will involve the following:
You and your child will both be asked to answer questions and fill out surveys about things that have happened in your lives and thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
You and your child will provide urine and saliva samples.
Your child will do activities while getting a brain scan in the MRI machine.

More information on this study is available at the link below. Please don't hesitate to reach out to the team with any questions at: or (317)278-5433.

Children Ages 10-14 and Their Parents Needed For Life Events, Brain, and Behavior Study!

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Select Publications

LifeRAFT Program Team

51980-Crum, Kathleen

Kathleen I. Crum, PhD

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Read Bio

50405-Aloi, Joseph

Joseph Aloi, MD, PhD

University of Nebraska College of Medicine

Read Bio

LifeRAFT Research Assistant Kennedy McCormack

Kennedy McCormack

Research Assistant

Katherine LeFevre

Research Assistant

LifeRAFT Alumni

Tahlia Korin

Tahlia Korin, MS

Clinical Research Specialist

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