
The Indiana University School of Medicine Ruth Lilly Medical Library welcomes gifts of books, journal subscriptions, and other information resources and artifacts that enhance the collections and support the instructional and research programs of IU School of Medicine. Generous gifts of past and present benefactors have enriched the medical library.

Giving Policies

Donation selection decisions are based on the library’s Collection Development Policy. Gifts are accepted with the understanding that they become the property of Indiana University and that the Ruth Lilly Medical Library may make all necessary decisions as to the retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to the use and disposition of donated materials. Materials that members of the library staff determine are not appropriate for the collection may be exchanged with other libraries, or otherwise used for the University’s benefit and goodwill, in accordance with established procedures.

The appraisal of a gift to the Ruth Lilly Medical Library is the responsibility of the donor, as members of the RLML staff are not permitted to appraise gifts. Gifts offered with conditions attached may be accepted only with the approval of the Ruth Lilly Medical Library Director. Gifts of money to purchase books or access to digital materials are also welcomed. A special fund may be established for large gifts, while smaller gifts will be added to the endowment fund established for this purpose.

Make a Gift

Donors interested in making a cash or planned gift to the IU School of Medicine Ruth Lilly Medical Library should contact Rick Ralston, 975 W Walnut St, IB 310F, Indianapolis, IN 46202, (317) 274-1409.

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