Molly Duman Scheel, PhD
Navari Family Professor
Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics
- Phone
- (574) 631-7194
- Address
Raclin-Carmichael Hall
1234 Notre Dame Ave.
South Bend, IN 46617 - PubMed:
2020-present, Navari Family Professor, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, IU School of Medicine-South Bend
2008-Present, Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame
2013-2020, Associate Professor, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, IU School of Medicine-South Bend
2013-2020, Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame
2007-2013, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, IU School of Medicine-South Bend
2007-2013, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame
2002-2007, Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Albion College
1999-2002, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago, Ben May Institute for Cancer Research, University of Chicago
Key Publications
Mysore, K., Hapairai, L.K. M., Sun, L., Li, P., Wang, C.W., Scheel, N.D., Lesnik, A., Igiede, J., Scheel, M. P, Wei, N., Severson, D.W, Duman-Scheel, M. 2020. Characterization of a dual-action adulticidal and larvicidal interfering RNA pesticide targeting the Shaker gene of multiple disease vector mosquitoes. PLoS NTD. 14: e0008479. PMID: 32687496. PMCID: PMC7392347.
Stewart, A.T.M., Winter, N., Igiede, J., Hapairai, L.K., James, L.D., Feng, R.S., Mohammed, A., Severson, D.W., Duman-Scheel, M. 2020. Community acceptance of yeast interfering RNA larvicide technology for control of Aedes mosquitoes in Trinidad. PloS One. 15(8): e0237675. PMID: 32797066. PMCID: PMC7428178.
Wiltshire, R M. and Duman-Scheel, M. 2020. Advances in oral RNAi for disease vector mosquito research and control. Current Opinion Insect Sci. 40: 18-23. PMID: 32516723.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1999 | PhD | University of Chicago |
1994 | BS | University of Notre Dame |
Vector mosquitoes inflict more human suffering than any other organism — and kill more than one million people each year. Despite the devastating impact of these insects on human society, we know very little about mosquito developmental biology. Our laboratory’s in-depth analysis of mosquito developmental genetics aims to promote the elucidation of tools to target mosquitoes before they are disease-transmitting adults. Research in our lab, which has primarily focused on analysis of mosquito central and sensory nervous system development, has included the first-ever targeted genetic knockdown studies of mosquito neural development. In recent years, we have begun a large-scale effort to develop species-specific interfering RNA insecticides, a promising new tool for the biorational control of mosquitoes as well as other urban and crop pests.
Lab members and Contact Information:
Keshava Mysore, Research Asst. Professor, kmysore@iu.edu
Majidah Hamid-Adiamoh, Postdoctoral Fellow, mhamidad@iu.edu
Akilah Stewart, Postdoctoral Fellow, akilstew@iu.edu
Britton Softhauser, Research Technician, bsofhauser@gmail.com
Longhua Sun, Research Technician, Longhua.Sun.15@nd.edu
Laboratory phone: (574) 631-7192
Desc: Trustees Teaching Award
Scope: University
Date: 2020-05-01
Desc: Functional assessment of the regulation of mosquito sexual dimorphism by non-coding RNAs 1 R21 AI144256-01
Scope: National
Date: 2019-02-01
Desc: Development of yeast interfering RNA larvicides targeting Aedes aegypti, 1 R21 AI128116-01
Scope: National
Date: 2017-07-21
Desc: Dual action larvicidal/adulticidal siRNA insecticides for biorational mosquito control, W911QY-17-1-0002
Scope: National
Date: 2017-07-10
Desc: Combating Zika and Future Threats, A Grand Challenge for Development (Completed)
Scope: International
Date: 2016-10-01
Desc: Showalter Scholar Award
Scope: University
Date: 2015-08-01
Desc: Grand Challenges and Explorations Phase 1 Grant Award (Completed)
Scope: International
Date: 2015-06-01
Desc: Trailblazer Award
Scope: University
Date: 2015-04-01
Desc: Cis-regulatory element discovery in a sequenced mosquito genome (Completed)
Scope: National
Date: 2015-01-01
Desc: R01AI081795-01 (Completed)
Scope: National
Date: 2009-08-01