Martin R. Farlow, MD
Professor Emeritus of Neurology
Adjunct Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
- Phone
- (317) 963-7402
- Address
GH 4700
Indianapolis, IN - PubMed:
Year | Degree | Institution |
1979 | MD | Indiana University |
1975 | BA | Purdue University |
1975 | BS | Purdue University |
GDNF secreted from adipose-derived stem cells stimulates VEGF-independent angiogenesis.
Zhong Z; Gu H; Peng J; Wang W; Johnstone BH; March KL; Farlow MR; Du Y; Oncotarget 2016 May 6
Zhong Z; Gu H; Peng J; Wang W; Johnstone BH; March KL; Farlow MR; Du Y; Oncotarget 2016 May 6
Association Between Anticholinergic Medication Use and Cognition, Brain Metabolism, and Brain Atrophy in Cognitively Normal Older Adults.
Risacher SL; McDonald BC; Tallman EF; West JD; Farlow MR; Unverzagt FW; Gao S; Boustani M; Crane PK; Petersen RC; Jack CR Jr; Jagust WJ; Aisen PS; Weiner MW; Saykin AJ; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; JAMA neurology 2016 Jun 1
Risacher SL; McDonald BC; Tallman EF; West JD; Farlow MR; Unverzagt FW; Gao S; Boustani M; Crane PK; Petersen RC; Jack CR Jr; Jagust WJ; Aisen PS; Weiner MW; Saykin AJ; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; JAMA neurology 2016 Jun 1
[(11)C]PiB PET in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease.
Deters KD; Risacher SL; Yoder KK; Oblak AL; Unverzagt FW; Murrell JR; Epperson F; Tallman EF; Quaid KA; Farlow MR; Saykin AJ; Ghetti B; American journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 2016 Jan 28
Deters KD; Risacher SL; Yoder KK; Oblak AL; Unverzagt FW; Murrell JR; Epperson F; Tallman EF; Quaid KA; Farlow MR; Saykin AJ; Ghetti B; American journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 2016 Jan 28
BDNF Val66Met moderates memory impairment, hippocampal function and tau in preclinical autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease.
Lim YY; Hassenstab J; Cruchaga C; Goate A; Fagan AM; Benzinger TL; Maruff P; Snyder PJ; Masters CL; Allegri R; Chhatwal J; Farlow MR; Graff-Radford NR; Laske C; Levin J; McDade E; Ringman JM; Rossor M; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Holtzman DM; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network; Brain : a journal of neurology 2016 Aug 12
Lim YY; Hassenstab J; Cruchaga C; Goate A; Fagan AM; Benzinger TL; Maruff P; Snyder PJ; Masters CL; Allegri R; Chhatwal J; Farlow MR; Graff-Radford NR; Laske C; Levin J; McDade E; Ringman JM; Rossor M; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Holtzman DM; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network; Brain : a journal of neurology 2016 Aug 12
The Cognitive Change Index as a Measure of Self and Informant Perception of Cognitive Decline: Relation to Neuropsychological Tests.
Rattanabannakit C; Risacher SL; Gao S; Lane KA; Brown SA; McDonald BC; Unverzagt FW; Apostolova LG; Saykin AJ; Farlow MR; Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2016
Rattanabannakit C; Risacher SL; Gao S; Lane KA; Brown SA; McDonald BC; Unverzagt FW; Apostolova LG; Saykin AJ; Farlow MR; Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2016
Relationship between the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Mini-mental State Examination for assessment of mild cognitive impairment in older adults.
Trzepacz PT; Hochstetler H; Wang S; Walker B; Saykin AJ; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; BMC geriatrics 2015 Sep 7
Trzepacz PT; Hochstetler H; Wang S; Walker B; Saykin AJ; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; BMC geriatrics 2015 Sep 7
Quality Improvement in Skilled Nursing Facilities for Residents With Alzheimer's Disease.
Farlow MR; Borson S; Connor SR; Grossberg GT; Mittelman MS; American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias 2015 Sep 17
Farlow MR; Borson S; Connor SR; Grossberg GT; Mittelman MS; American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias 2015 Sep 17
Raloxifene for women with Alzheimer disease: A randomized controlled pilot trial.
Henderson VW; Ala T; Sainani KL; Bernstein AL; Stephenson BS; Rosen AC; Farlow MR; Neurology 2015 Nov 4
Henderson VW; Ala T; Sainani KL; Bernstein AL; Stephenson BS; Rosen AC; Farlow MR; Neurology 2015 Nov 4
Adipose-derived Stem Cell Conditioned Media Extends Survival time of a mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Fontanilla CV; Gu H; Liu Q; Zhu TZ; Zhou C; Johnstone BH; March KL; Pascuzzi RM; Farlow MR; Du Y; Scientific reports 2015 Nov 20
Fontanilla CV; Gu H; Liu Q; Zhu TZ; Zhou C; Johnstone BH; March KL; Pascuzzi RM; Farlow MR; Du Y; Scientific reports 2015 Nov 20
Association of Long Runs of Homozygosity With Alzheimer Disease Among African American Individuals.
Ghani M; Reitz C; Cheng R; Vardarajan BN; Jun G; Sato C; Naj A; Rajbhandary R; Wang LS; Valladares O; Lin CF; Larson EB; Graff-Radford NR; Evans D; De Jager PL; Crane PK; Buxbaum JD; Murrell JR; Raj T; Ertekin-Taner N; Logue M; Baldwin CT; Green RC; Barnes LL; Cantwell LB; Fallin MD; Go RC; Griffith PA; Obisesan TO; Manly JJ; Lunetta KL; Kamboh MI; Lopez OL; Bennett DA; Hendrie H; Hall KS; Goate AM; Byrd GS; Kukull WA; Foroud TM; Haines JL; Farrer LA; Pericak-Vance MA; Lee JH; Schellenberg GD; St George-Hyslop P; Mayeux R; Rogaeva E; Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium; JAMA neurology 2015 Nov
Ghani M; Reitz C; Cheng R; Vardarajan BN; Jun G; Sato C; Naj A; Rajbhandary R; Wang LS; Valladares O; Lin CF; Larson EB; Graff-Radford NR; Evans D; De Jager PL; Crane PK; Buxbaum JD; Murrell JR; Raj T; Ertekin-Taner N; Logue M; Baldwin CT; Green RC; Barnes LL; Cantwell LB; Fallin MD; Go RC; Griffith PA; Obisesan TO; Manly JJ; Lunetta KL; Kamboh MI; Lopez OL; Bennett DA; Hendrie H; Hall KS; Goate AM; Byrd GS; Kukull WA; Foroud TM; Haines JL; Farrer LA; Pericak-Vance MA; Lee JH; Schellenberg GD; St George-Hyslop P; Mayeux R; Rogaeva E; Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium; JAMA neurology 2015 Nov
Alzheimer's disease
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