Liana G. Apostolova, MD, MS
Associate Dean of Alzheimer's Disease Research
Distinguished Professor
Barbara and Peer Baekgaard Professor of Alzheimer's Disease Research
Professor of Neurology
Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences
Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics
Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Clinical Core Leader, Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center
Liana G. Apostolova, MD, MSc, FAAN is an Indiana University Distinguished Professor and the Barbara and Peer Baekgaard Professor in Alzheimer's Disease Research and Professor of Neurology, Radiology and Imaging Sciences and Medical and Molecular Genetics at IU School of Medicine. She is also the Associate Dean of Alzheimer's Disease Research. Dr. Apostolova graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria in 1998, and completed Neurology residency training at the University of Iowa and a dementia fellowship at UCLA.
Dr. Apostolova is a prolific researcher. Her research focuses on early-onset (young-onset) Alzheimer's disease, the early symptomatic and presymptomatic stages of Alzheimer's Disease, and on the development and validation of sensitive imaging and genetic biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease and other dementing disorders. Dr. Apostolova is the principal investigator of many NIH, foundation and industry-supported grants, and is the recipient of many prestigious research awards. She is the lead principal investigator of the national Longitudinal Early-Onset AD Study (LEADS, R56/U01 AG057195), which aims to improve our understanding of and launch clinical trials in young-onset AD. She also directs the Clinical Core of the Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at IU School of Medicine.
Dr. Apostolova has served as a research mentor to many undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students and junior faculty researchers. She serves as Editor for the Alzheimer's and Dementia: Disease Assessment and Monitoring journal.
Apostolova Lab and Active Research Projects
Year | Degree | Institution |
2010 | MS | University of California, Los Angeles |
2004 | Fellowship | UCLA |
2002 | Residency | University of Iowa |
1998 | MD | Medical University of Sofia |
Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease
Li W; Risacher SL; Huang E; Saykin AJ; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Neurology 2016 Jul 6
Rattanabannakit C; Risacher SL; Gao S; Lane KA; Brown SA; McDonald BC; Unverzagt FW; Apostolova LG; Saykin AJ; Farlow MR; Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 2016 Feb 25
Clark DG; McLaughlin PM; Woo E; Hwang K; Hurtz S; Ramirez L; Eastman J; Dukes RM; Kapur P; DeRamus TP; Apostolova LG; Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2016 Feb 15
Lazaris A; Hwang KS; Goukasian N; Ramirez LM; Eastman J; Blanken AE; Teng E; Gylys K; Cole G; Saykin AJ; Shaw LM; Trojanowski JQ; Jagust WJ; Weiner MW; Apostolova LG; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Neurology. Genetics 2015 Oct 15
Ramirez LM; Goukasian N; Porat S; Hwang KS; Eastman JA; Hurtz S; Wang B; Vang N; Sears R; Klein E; Coppola G; Apostolova LG; Neurobiology of aging 2015 Nov 6
Ghani M; Reitz C; Cheng R; Vardarajan BN; Jun G; Sato C; Naj A; Rajbhandary R; Wang LS; Valladares O; Lin CF; Larson EB; Graff-Radford NR; Evans D; De Jager PL; Crane PK; Buxbaum JD; Murrell JR; Raj T; Ertekin-Taner N; Logue M; Baldwin CT; Green RC; Barnes LL; Cantwell LB; Fallin MD; Go RC; Griffith PA; Obisesan TO; Manly JJ; Lunetta KL; Kamboh MI; Lopez OL; Bennett DA; Hendrie H; Hall KS; Goate AM; Byrd GS; Kukull WA; Foroud TM; Haines JL; Farrer LA; Pericak-Vance MA; Lee JH; Schellenberg GD; St George-Hyslop P; Mayeux R; Rogaeva E; Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium; JAMA neurology 2015 Nov
Wang LS; Naj AC; Graham RR; Crane PK; Kunkle BW; Cruchaga C; Murcia JD; Cannon-Albright L; Baldwin CT; Zetterberg H; Blennow K; Kukull WA; Faber KM; Schupf N; Norton MC; Tschanz JT; Munger RG; Corcoran CD; Rogaeva E; Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium; Lin CF; Dombroski BA; Cantwell LB; Partch A; Valladares O; Hakonarson H; St George-Hyslop P; Green RC; Goate AM; Foroud TM; Carney RM; Larson EB; Behrens TW; Kauwe JS; Haines JL; Farrer LA; Pericak-Vance MA; Mayeux R; Schellenberg GD; National Institute on Aging-Late-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease (NIA-LOAD) Family Study; Albert MS; Albin RL; Apostolova LG; Arnold SE; Barber R; Barmada M; Barnes LL; Beach TG; Becker JT; Beecham GW; Beekly D; Bennett DA; Bigio EH; Bird TD; Blacker D; Boeve BF; Bowen JD; Boxer A; Burke JR; Buxbaum JD; Cairns NJ; Cao C; Carlson CS; Carroll SL; Chui HC; Clark DG; Cribbs DH; Crocco EA; DeCarli C; DeKosky ST; Demirci FY; Dick M; Dickson DW; Duara R; Ertekin-Taner N; Fallon KB; Farlow MR; Ferris S; Frosch MP; Galasko DR; Ganguli M; Gearing M; Geschwind DH; Ghetti B; Gilbert JR; Glass JD; Graff-Radford NR; Growdon JH; Hamilton RL; Hamilton-Nelson KL; Harrell LE; Head E; Honig LS; Hulette CM; Hyman BT; Jarvik GP; Jicha GA; Jin LW; Jun G; Jun G; Kamboh MI; Karydas A; Kaye JA; Kim R; Koo EH; Kowall NW; Kramer JH; LaFerla FM; Lah JJ; Leverenz JB; Levey AI; Li G; Lieberman AP; Lopez OL; Lunetta KL; Lyketsos CG; Mack WJ; Marson DC; Martin ER; Martiniuk F; Mash DC; Masliah E; McCormick WC; McCurry SM; McDavid AN; McKee AC; Mesulam WM; Miller BL; Miller CA; Miller JW; Montine TJ; Morris JC; Murrell JR; Olichney JM; Parisi JE; Perry W; Peskind E; Petersen RC; Pierce A; Poon WW; Potter H; Quinn JF; Raj A; Raskind M; Reiman EM; Reisberg B; Reitz C; Ringman JM; Roberson ED; Rosen HJ; Rosenberg RN; Sano M; Saykin AJ; Schneider JA; Schneider LS; Seeley WW; Smith AG; Sonnen JA; Spina S; Stern RA; Tanzi RE; Thornton-Wells TA; Trojanowski JQ; Troncoso JC; Tsuang DW; Van Deerlin VM; Van Eldik LJ; Vardarajan BN JAMA neurology 2015 Feb
Naj AC; Jun G; Reitz C; Kunkle BW; Perry W; Park YS; Beecham GW; Rajbhandary RA; Hamilton-Nelson KL; Wang LS; Kauwe JS; Huentelman MJ; Myers AJ; Bird TD; Boeve BF; Baldwin CT; Jarvik GP; Crane PK; Rogaeva E; Barmada MM; Demirci FY; Cruchaga C; Kramer PL; Ertekin-Taner N; Hardy J; Graff-Radford NR; Green RC; Larson EB; St George-Hyslop PH; Buxbaum JD; Evans DA; Schneider JA; Lunetta KL; Kamboh MI; Saykin AJ; Reiman EM; De Jager PL; Bennett DA; Morris JC; Montine TJ; Goate AM; Blacker D; Tsuang DW; Hakonarson H; Kukull WA; Foroud TM; Martin ER; Haines JL; Mayeux RP; Farrer LA; Schellenberg GD; Pericak-Vance MA; Alzheimer Disease Genetics Consortium; Albert MS; Albin RL; Apostolova LG; Arnold SE; Barber R; Barnes LL; Beach TG; Becker JT; Beekly D; Bigio EH; Bowen JD; Boxer A; Burke JR; Cairns NJ; Cantwell LB; Cao C; Carlson CS; Carney RM; Carrasquillo MM; Carroll SL; Chui HC; Clark DG; Corneveaux J; Cribbs DH; Crocco EA; DeCarli C; DeKosky ST; Dick M; Dickson DW; Duara R; Faber KM; Fallon KB; Farlow MR; Ferris S; Frosch MP; Galasko DR; Ganguli M; Gearing M; Geschwind DH; Ghetti B; Gilbert JR; Glass JD; Growdon JH; Hamilton RL; Harrell LE; Head E; Honig LS; Hulette CM; Hyman BT; Jicha GA; Jin LW; Karydas A; Kaye JA; Kim R; Koo EH; Kowall NW; Kramer JH; LaFerla FM; Lah JJ; Leverenz JB; Levey AI; Li G; Lieberman AP; Lin CF; Lopez OL; Lyketsos CG; Mack WJ; Martiniuk F; Mash DC; Masliah E; McCormick WC; McCurry SM; McDavid AN; McKee AC; Mesulam M; Miller BL; Miller CA; Miller JW; Murrell JR; Olichney JM; Pankratz VS; Parisi JE; Paulson HL; Peskind E; Petersen RC; Pierce A; Poon WW; Potter H; Quinn JF; Raj A; Raskind M; Reisberg B; Ringman JM; Roberson ED; Rosen HJ; Rosenberg RN; Sano M; Schneider LS; Seeley WW; Smith AG; Sonnen JA; Spina S; Stern RA; Tanzi RE; Thornton-Wells TA; Trojanowski JQ; Troncoso JC; Valladares O; Van Deerlin VM; Van Eldik LJ; Vardarajan BN; Vinters HV; Vonsattel JP; Weintraub S; Welsh-Bohmer KA; Williamson J; Wishnek S; Woltjer RL; Wright CB; Younki JAMA neurology 2014 Nov
Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease
Desc: Dintinguished Professor
Scope: University
Date: 1905-07-15
Desc: De Leon Prize in Neuroimaging Senior Investigator Award
Scope: National
Date: 1905-07-13
Desc: Fellow
Scope: National
Date: 1905-07-09