Swetansu K. Hota, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Swetansu Hota, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. Prior to joining Indiana University, he was a Research Investigator at Gladstone Institutes/UCSF at San Francisco. He earned his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. He holds Master’s degrees from Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology and the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, both in India.
Key Publications
- A disrupted compartment boundary underlies abnormal cardiac patterning and congenital heart defects.
Kathiriya IS, Dominguez MH, Rao KS, Muncie-Vasic JM, Devine WP, Hu KM, Hota SK, Garay BI, Quintero D, Goyal P, Matthews MN, Thomas R, Sukonnik T, Miguel-Perez D, Winchester S, Brower EF, Forjaz A, Wu PH, Wirtz D, Kiemen AL, Bruneau BG. bioRxiv. 2024 Mar 04. - Brahma safeguards canalization of cardiac mesoderm differentiation.
Hota SK, Rao KS, Blair AP, Khalilimeybodi A, Hu KM, Thomas R, So K, Kameswaran V, Xu J, Polacco BJ, Desai RV, Chatterjee N, Hsu A, Muncie JM, Blotnick AM, Winchester SAB, Weinberger LS, Hüttenhain R, Kathiriya IS, Krogan NJ, Saucerman JJ, Bruneau BG. Nature. 2022 02; 602(7895):129-134. - Modeling Human TBX5 Haploinsufficiency Predicts Regulatory Networks for Congenital Heart Disease.
Kathiriya IS, Rao KS, Iacono G, Devine WP, Blair AP, Hota SK, Lai MH, Garay BI, Thomas R, Gong HZ, Wasson LK, Goyal P, Sukonnik T, Hu KM, Akgun GA, Bernard LD, Akerberg BN, Gu F, Li K, Speir ML, Haeussler M, Pu WT, Stuart JM, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Heyn H, Bruneau BG. Dev Cell. 2021 02 08; 56(3):292-309.e9. - Dinucleosome specificity and allosteric switch of the ISW1a ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler in transcription regulation.
Bhardwaj SK, Hailu SG, Olufemi L, Brahma S, Kundu S, Hota SK, Persinger J, Bartholomew B. Nat Commun. 2020 11 20; 11(1):5913. - Dynamic BAF chromatin remodeling complex subunit inclusion promotes temporally distinct gene expression programs in cardiogenesis.
Hota SK, Johnson JR, Verschueren E, Thomas R, Blotnick AM, Zhu Y, Sun X, Pennacchio LA, Krogan NJ, Bruneau BG. Development. 2019 07 05; 146(19). - Histone Octamer Structure Is Altered Early in ISW2 ATP-Dependent Nucleosome Remodeling.
Hada A, Hota SK, Luo J, Lin YC, Kale S, Shaytan AK, Bhardwaj SK, Persinger J, Ranish J, Panchenko AR, Bartholomew B. Cell Rep. 2019 07 02; 28(1):282-294.e6. - Cardiac-enriched BAF chromatin-remodeling complex subunit Baf60c regulates gene expression programs essential for heart development and function.
Sun X, Hota SK, Zhou YQ, Novak S, Miguel-Perez D, Christodoulou D, Seidman CE, Seidman JG, Gregorio CC, Henkelman RM, Rossant J, Bruneau BG. Biol Open. 2018 Jan 05; 7(1). - ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling during mammalian development.
Hota SK, Bruneau BG. Development. 2016 08 15; 143(16):2882-97. - Brg1 modulates enhancer activation in mesoderm lineage commitment.
Alexander JM, Hota SK, He D, Thomas S, Ho L, Pennacchio LA, Bruneau BG. Development. 2015 Apr 15; 142(8):1418-30. - ISWI remodelers slide nucleosomes with coordinated multi-base-pair entry steps and single-base-pair exit steps.
Deindl S, Hwang WL, Hota SK, Blosser TR, Prasad P, Bartholomew B, Zhuang X. Cell. 2013 Jan 31; 152(3):442-52. - Nucleosome mobilization by ISW2 requires the concerted action of the ATPase and SLIDE domains.
Hota SK, Bhardwaj SK, Deindl S, Lin YC, Zhuang X, Bartholomew B. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2013 Feb; 20(2):222-9. - Disparity in the DNA translocase domains of SWI/SNF and ISW2.
Dechassa ML, Hota SK, Sen P, Chatterjee N, Prasad P, Bartholomew B. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 May; 40(10):4412-21. - Approaches for studying nucleosome movement by ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes.
Hota SK, Bartholomew B. Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 809:367-80. - Mapping protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers.
Hota SK, Dechassa ML, Prasad P, Bartholomew B. Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 809:381-409. - An assay for exogenous sources of purified MurG, enabled by the complementation of Escherichia coli murG(Ts) by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis homologue.
Jha RK, Katagihallimath N, Hota SK, Das KS, de Sousa SM. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2012 Jan; 326(2):161-7.
Find a complete list of published work.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2011 | PhD | Southern Illinois University |
2000 | MTECH | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur |
1997 | M.Sc. | Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology |
Dr. Hota’s expertise is in chromatin structure and protein that modify chromatin and how they affect the activity of genes. His current goals are to delineate mechanism of how chromatin remodeling complexes determine cell fate during cell differentiation and organ development. His ultimate aim is to understand how mutations in these complexes lead to congenital heart defects and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Desc: Travel Award
Desc: Career Development Award
Scope: National
Desc: Distinguished Achievement in Science (Post-doc)
Desc: Best Poster Award
Scope: University
Desc: Bob and Linda Mahley, Career Advancement Award
Desc: T32 training award
Scope: National
Desc: Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Desc: Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Scope: National
Desc: Initiative Award
Desc: Solver Award