Austin R. Anderson, PhD
Associate Professor of Clinical Medical & Molecular Genetics
- Phone
- (317) 278-2105
- Address
IB 244C
Indianapolis, IN
Austin R. Anderson, MPA, Ph.D, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medical and Molecular Genetics at the Indiana University School of Medicine and serves as graduate advisor for PhD and research track students in the department.
Dr. Anderson’s main research focuses primarily on issues of diversity, inclusion, social justice and public policy in higher education and university settings. These issues include stigma and belonging, with an emphasis on social justice-based goals for people who often find themselves marginalized due to prejudice, discrimination and/or lack of access.
His personal interests include collegiate (Notre Dame and IU) and professional sports (Colts, Pacers, Fever), including his former involvement as a member of the Men’s Swimming Team at the University of Notre Dame, and mass popular culture and entertainment.
Key Publications
Anderson, A.R., Knee, E. & Fridley, A. (2024). Attitudes of Intercollegiate Athletes toward Transgender Individuals and Transgender Athletic Participation. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics. 17, 46-63. https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/jiia/vol17/iss1/3
Knee, E., Miller, A.M., Ramos, W.D. & Anderson, A.R. (2024). The scope of risk management policies and practices within collegiate recreational sports: Reinvigorating the conversation. Recreational Sports Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/15588661241231946
Knee, E., Anderson, A.R., Ramos, W.D. & Miller, A.M. (2023). Attitudes of campus recreational sport employees toward LGBTQ+ participants: Does targeting training make an impact? Leisure/Loisir. 47(4), 535-588. https://doi.org/10.1080/14927713.2023.2252836
Fridley, A., Anderson, A.R., Stokowski, S. & Forsythe, S. (2022). Diversity Matters: Highlighting the Differences in Sport Consumption Motives of Marginalized College Students, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. 24(3), 485-499. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMS-01-2022-0025
Anderson, A.R. & Knee, E. (2022). Queer recreation: LGBTQ+ sporting spaces, community and impact. In A.M. Colombo-Dougovito, T. Everbach & K. Weiller-Abels (Eds.), Not playing around: Intersectional identities, media representation & the power of sport. Rowan & Littlefield.
Anderson, A.R., Knee, E., Anderson, K.R. & Ramos, W.D. (2022). Campus Recreational Participation and COVID-19: Impact on College Student Well-Being and Development, Journal of American College Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2093116
Anderson, A.R., Anderson K.R., Ramos, W.D. & Beale-Tawfeeq, A.B. (2022). Understandings and Applications of Water Safety Behaviors among Participants in a Youth Learn-to-Swim Program, International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 13(4), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.25035/ijare.13.04.01
Anderson, A. R., Stokowski, S., Smith, C. M. L. & Turk, M. R., (2021). “You Have to Validate it”: Experiences of Female Sexual Minority Student-Athletes, Journal of Homosexuality. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1990688
Knee, E. & Anderson, A.R., (2021). Gentrification of the (Leisure) Mind: Organizational Justifications and Community Concerns of a Proposed LGBTQ2S Sport and Recreation Center, Journal of Homosexuality. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1984752
Anderson, A.R., Stokowski, S. & Turk, M.R. (2021). Sexual Minorities in Intercollegiate Athletics: Religion, Team Culture and Acceptance, Sport in Society. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17430437.2021.1933452
Knee, E. & Anderson, A.R. (2021). Queer politics, the gay bar and hapless victimhood during COVID-19: A brief response to Burns (2021) queerness as/and political attunement. Leisure Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2021.1919254
Anderson, A.R., Knee, E. & Ramos, W.D. (2021). Impact of an LGBTQ Campus Recreation Student Employee Training Initiative on Professional Competencies, Recreational Sports Journal, 45(2), 139-148. https://doi.org/10.1177/15588661211010185
Anderson, A.R. & Knee, E. (2020). Queer isolation or queering isolation? Reflecting upon the ramifications of COVID-19 on the future of queer leisure spaces. Leisure Sciences. DOI:10.1080/01490400.2020.1773992
McKibban, A.R. & Anderson, A.R. (2020). Addressing gender and sexual orientation diversity within youth populations: An evaluation of health disparities and recommendations on affirmative school policy. In M.C. Lytle & R.A. Sprott (Eds.), Supporting gender identity and sexual orientation diversity in K-12 schools (pp. 163-180). American Psychological Association.
Anderson, A.R., Knee, E. & Ramos, W.D. (2020). “I’m not an expert but…”: Perspectives on aquatic management for LGBTQ participants. Recreational Sports Journal. 44(1), 24-37. DOI:10.1177/1558866120909449
Anderson, A.R., Knee, E. & Ramos, W.D. (2020). LGBTQ training for aquatic employees: Impact on attitudes and professional competencies. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 12(3), Article 3. DOI:10.25035/ijare.12.03.03
Ramos, W.D., Anderson, A.R., Middlestadt, S.E. & Bhurosy, T.B. (2019). An examination of an outdoor pool’s contributions to well-being: Predicting different dimensions of well-being from the use of an outdoor pool. Annals of Leisure Research, DOI:10.1080/11745398.2019.1663224.
Anderson, A.R., Smith, C.M.L. & Stokowski, S.E. (2019). The impact of religion and ally identity on individual sexual and gender prejudice at an NCAA Division II institution. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 12, 154-177.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2011 | PhD | Indiana University |
2007 | MPAF | Indiana University |
2002 | BA | University of Notre Dame |
Dr. Anderson's research interests include inclusion and marginalization in higher education, organizational culture, belonging, and equity in graduate education.