Teresa M. Damush, PhD
Research Professor of Medicine
Research Career Scientist, VA HSR&
D Center for Health Information and Communication, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center
Research Scientist, Indiana University Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research, Regenstrief Institute, Inc.
Director of Implementation Science Core and Co-Principal Investigator, VA Precision Monitoring to Transform Care (PRIS-M) QUERI Center, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center
Dr. Teresa Damush is a health services researcher and health psychologist specializing in the design and evaluation of patient centered programs that empower the patient to modify controllable factors that may improve health-related quality of life in both primary and specialty care practices. She conducts research as a Core Investigator in the VA Health Services Research and Development Center for Health Information and Communication and Regenstrief Institute Research Scientist.
Dr. Damush is an expert on active implementation methodology and patient self-management. Nationally, she has served on the planning committees of the National Health Services Research & Development and Stroke Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) meetings at the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs and is a member of the VA Health Services Research & Development Scientific Member Review Board for Chronic Disease and Quality of Life Outcomes.
As co-principal investigator for the Precision Monitoring to Transform Care Quality Research Enhancement Initiative (PRIS-M QUERI) Center, Dr. Damush’s research focuses on implementing evidence-based practices for stroke survivors and caregivers. She has funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs to adapt existing evidence-based tools for secondary stroke prevention from hospital discharge to the patient home setting.
patient self-management | health psychology | implementation science
Year | Degree | Institution |
1997 | Postdoctoral Training | Unviversity of California School of Medicine, Institute for Health Policy, San Francisco |
1996 | PhD | University of California, Riverside |
1993 | MA | University of California, Riverside |
1991 | BA | University of California, Riverside |
Active Projects
PRIS-M: Precision Monitoring to Transform Care - PRIS-M (VA QUERI, Co-PIs: Bravata, Damush, Keyhani, Williams) 2015-2020. The PRIS-M QUERI uses VHA electronic health record data to implement precision monitoring to improve the quality and outcomes of care for Veterans across multiple healthcare settings. Within this program, projects span multiple conditions and settings to implement and evaluate the use of electronic clinical quality measures and decision support tools, and study how these data activate VHA clinical healthcare teams and Veterans to improve the quality and outcomes of VHA care.
PrOVE: PeRsonalizing Options through Veteran Engagement - PrOVE (VA QUERI, PI: Lowery) 2015-19. External Facilitation using Systems Redesign and Coaching will be developed and implemented targeting quality improvement by the MOVE Coordinators and Health Behavior Specialists at each VA facility across the US to assist Veterans with behavioral modification for weight loss. Role: Co-Investigator
Evaluation of the Implementation of a TeleRobotics Program for Stroke Patients: National Stroke Telerehab Headquarters for the Enterprise Wide Expansion of Rural Stroke Telerehab Access. (VHA Office of Specialty Care Services and Office of Rural Health, PI: Butler) 2016-2019. Evaluation of the National TeleStroke Program in Veteran’s Health Administration focusing on (1) building and maintaining an implementation infrastructure; (2) developing and refining facility-specific implementation plans for successful program deployment; and (3) evaluating implementation progress in terms of fidelity, reach, acceptability, satisfaction and adoption. Role: Co-Investigator
Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Informal Caregivers of Stroke and TBI patients (VA HSR&D, PI: Daggett) 2012-2018. A randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the TASK II and TASK II-TBI interventions which are turnkey programs offering comprehensive training and support for family of caregivers of Veterans with stroke and traumatic brain injury at two VA sites. Role: Co-Investigator
Eliacin J; Burgess DJ; Rollins AL; Patterson S; Damush T; Bair MJ; Salyers MP; Spoont M; Slaven JE; O'Connor C; Walker K; Zou DS; Austin E; Akins J; Miller J; Chinman M; Matthias MS; JMIR research protocols 2022 Sep 6
Seng EK; Fenton BT; Wang K; Lipton RB; Ney J; Damush T; Grinberg AS; Skanderson M; Sico JJ; Neurology 2022 Sep 13
Bushey MA; Slaven JE; Outcalt SD; Kroenke K; Kempf C; Froman A; Sargent C; Baecher B; Zillich AJ; Damush TM; Saha C; French DD; Bair MJ; JAMA network open 2022 Nov 1
Grinberg AS; Fenton BT; Wang K; Lindsey H; Goldman RE; Baird S; Riley S; Burrone L; Seng EK; Damush TM; Sico JJ; Headache 2022 May 11
Goldman RE; Damush TM; Kuruvilla DE; Lindsey H; Baird S; Riley S; Burrone Bs L; Grinberg AS; Seng EK; Fenton BT; Sico JJ; Headache 2022 Mar 16
Bravata DM; Miech EJ; Myers LJ; Perkins AJ; Zhang Y; Rattray NA; Baird SA; Penney LS; Austin C; Damush TM; BMC health services research 2022 Jul 4
Wang V; D'Adolf J; Decosimo K; Robinson K; Choate A; Bruening R; Sperber N; Mahanna E; Van Houtven CH; Allen KD; Colón-Emeric C; Damush TM; Hastings SN; BMC health services research 2022 Jul 29
Kuruvilla DE; Lindsey H; Grinberg AS; Goldman RE; Riley S; Baird S; Fenton BT; Sico JJ; Damush TM; BMC complementary medicine and therapies 2022 Jan 25
Schubert CC; Perkins AJ; Myers LJ; Damush TM; Penney LS; Zhang Y; Schwartzkopf AL; Preddie AK; Riley S; Menen T; Bravata DM; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2022 Aug 29
Damush TM; Penney LS; Miech EJ; Rattray NA; Baird SA; Cheatham AJ; Austin C; Sexson A; Myers LJ; Bravata DM; BMC health services research 2021 May 12
Patel H; Damush TM; Miech EJ; Rattray NA; Martin HA; Savoy A; Plue L; Anderson J; Martini S; Graham GD; Williams LS; BMC health services research 2021 Feb 6
Story KM; Flanagan ME; Brown HA; Robb SL; Damush TM; Otto D; Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association 2021 Aug 24
Damush TM; Miech EJ; Rattray NA; Homoya B; Penney LS; Cheatham A; Baird S; Myers J; Austin C; Myers LJ; Perkins AJ; Zhang Y; Giacherio B; Kumar M; Murphy LD; Sico JJ; Bravata DM; Journal of general internal medicine 2020 Nov 3
Damush TM; Miech EJ; Rattray NA; Homoya B; Penney LS; Cheatham A; Baird S; Myers J; Austin C; Myers LJ; Perkins AJ; Zhang Y; Giacherio B; Kumar M; Murphy LD; Sico JJ; Bravata DM; Journal of general internal medicine 2020 Nov 3
Bravata DM; Myers LJ; Arling G; Miech EJ; Damush T; Sico JJ; Phipps MS; Zillich AJ; Yu Z; Reeves M; Williams LS; Johanning J; Chaturvedi S; Baye F; Ofner S; Austin C; Ferguson J; Graham GD; Rhude R; Kessler CS; Higgins DS Jr; Cheng E; 2018 Feb 5
Bravata DM; Myers LJ; Cheng E; Reeves M; Baye F; Yu Z; Damush T; Miech EJ; Sico J; Phipps M; Zillich A; Johanning J; Chaturvedi S; Austin C; Ferguson J; Maryfield B; Snow K; Ofner S; Graham G; Rhude R; Williams LS; Arling G; 2017 Sep
Damush TM; Miech EJ; Sico JJ; Phipps MS; Arling G; Ferguson J; Austin C; Myers L; Baye F; Luckhurst C; Keating AB; Moran E; Bravata DM; 2017 Nov 8
Chen CX; Kroenke K; Stump TE; Kean J; Carpenter JS; Krebs EE; Bair MJ; Damush TM; Monahan PO; 2017 Dec 1
Rattray NA; Damush TM; Luckhurst C; Bauer-Martinez CJ; Homoya BJ; Miech EJ; 2017 Apr 25
Damush TM; Myers L; Anderson JA; Yu Z; Ofner S; Nicholas G; Kimmel B; Schmid AA; Kent T; Williams LS; 2016 Sep
Damush TM; Kroenke K; Bair MJ; Wu J; Tu W; Krebs EE; Poleshuck E; 2016 Feb 5
Chaturvedi S; Ofner S; Baye F; Myers LJ; Phipps M; Sico JJ; Damush T; Miech E; Reeves M; Johanning J; Williams LS; Arling G; Cheng E; Yu Z; Bravata D; 2016 Dec 7
Desc: The VA Research Career Scientist (RCS) Award is for established, non-clinician, independent investigators and initially provides up to five years of funding. As of December 2018, the HSR&D Service had only 14 current awardees nationwide across all of its research centers. Effective 01 January 2019, Dr. Damush became the 15th awardee to receive this prestigious recognition.
Scope: National
Date: 2019-01-01