5082-Bucher, Sherri

Sherri L. Bucher, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics

Chair, Social & Behavioral Sciences

Associate Professor, Social & Behavioral Sciences

(317) 274-4428
Simon Cancer Center
1030 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Sherri Bucher has a passion for research and providing education by which to improve maternal-newborn-child health in resource-poor settings, as well as a long-standing interest in international public health. Dr. Bucher is an investigator with the Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Research, USAID-AMPATH, and Helping Babies Breathe (HBB). She is a certified international Master Trainer and Mentor for HBB on behalf of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Bucher has conducted research, training, and advocacy work in East Africa for initiatives related to neonatal resuscitation, safe drinking water, pMTCT, and maternal and newborn health. She is a member of the international working groups, and an Assistant Editor, for the AAP and WHO-supported simulation-based educational and training curricula, Essential Care for Every Baby and Special Care for the Small Baby. Dr. Bucher has lived abroad, including Kenya and Greece; currently, she works spends 2-3 months per year working in Africa.

Key Publications

1. Thukral, A., Lockyer, J., Bucher, S.L., Berkelhamer, S., Bose, C., Deorari, A., Esamai, F., Faremo, S., Keenan, W., McMillan, D., Niermeyer, S., Evaluation of an educational program for essential newborn care in resource-limited settings: Essential Care for Every Baby , BMC Paediatrics, 2015, June 25;15:71.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4479066/pdf/12887_2015_Article_382.pdf

2. Bucher, S.  “mHBB: Using mobile phones to support Helping Babies Breathe in Kenya”, African Strategies for Health: mHealth Compendium Volume 5, June 15, 2015, pp. 46-47. http://www.africanstrategies4health.org/uploads/1/3/5/3/13538666/  mhealthvol5_final_15jun15_webv.pdf

3. Eslami, P., Bucher, S., Mungai, R.  Improper reprocessing of neonatal resuscitation equipment in rural Kenya compromises function: Recommendations for more effective implementation of Helping Babies Breathe. Resuscitation, 91 (2015) e5-e6, June 2015 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0300957215001197

4. Abwao, S., Bucher, S., Kaimenyi, P., Wachira, J., Esamai, F., Wamae, A.  “Kenya Case Study” in: Helping Babies Breathe: Lessons learned guiding the way forward. A 5-year report from the HBB Global Development Alliance, June 8, 2015, pp. 99-102. http://www.helpingbabiesbreathe.org/docs/HBB-Report-2010-2015.pdf 

5. Bucher, S., Marete, I., Tenge, C., Liechty, E, Esamai, F., Patel, A., Kodkany, B., Garces, A., Chomba, E., Belizan, J., Pasha, O., Hibberd, P., Derman, R., Otieno, K., Hambidge, M., Carlo, W., Chemwolo, C., Buekens, P., Goldenberg, R., McClure, E., Moore, J., Wright, D., Saleem, S., Kosi-Thomas, M.  “A prospective observational description of frequency and timing of antenatal care attendance and coverage of selected interventions in Argentina, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Pakistan, and Zambia,” Reproductive Health, 2015, 12(Suppl 2); S12 (8 June 2015) http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/content/12/S2/S12

6. Marete, I., Tenge, C., Chemweno, C., Muyodi, D., Gisore, P., Bucher, S., Pasha, O., Goudar, S., Mwenche, M., Patel, A., Althabe, F., Garces, A., Moore, J., Otieno, K., Nyongesa, P., Ayunga, S., Liechty, E., Derman, R., Hibberd, P., Hambidge, M., Buekens, P., Goldenberg, R., Carlo, W., McClure, E., and Esamai, F.  “Lost to follow-up among pregnant women in a multi-site community-based maternal and newborn health registry,” Reproductive Health, 2015, 12(Suppl 2); S4 (8 June 2015) http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/content/12/S2/S4

7. Patel, A., Bucher, S., Pusedekar, Y., Esamai, F., Krebs, N., Goudar, S., Chomba, E., Garces, A., Pasha, O., Saleem, S., Kodkany, B., Liechty, E., Derman, R., Carlo, W., Hambidge, M., Goldenberg, R., Althabe, F., Berrueta, M., Moore, J., McClure, E., Koso-Thomas, M., Hibberd, P. Rates and determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding and exclusive breast feeding at 42 days postnatal in six low and middle-income countries: A prospective cohort study, Reproductive Health, 2015, 12(Suppl 2); S10 (8 June 2015) http://www.reproductive-health-journal.com/content/12/S2/S10

8. Gisore, P., Rono, B., Marete, I., Nekesa-Mangeni, J., Tenge, C., Shipala, E., Mabeya, H, Odhiambo, D, Otieno, K, Bucher, S., Makokha, C., Liechty, E., Esamai, F.  “Commonly cited incentives in the community implementation of the emergency maternal and newborn care study in western Kenya.  African Health Sciences, 2013, 13(2), pp. 461-468 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3824486/

9. Hoban, R., Bucher, S., Newman, I., Chen, M., Tesfaye, N., Spector, JM. “Helping Babies Breathe” training in sub-Saharan Africa: Educational impact and Learner impressions.  J. Trop. Pediatrics, 2013, 59(3), pp. 180-186.

10. Wools-Kaloustian, K., Eller, AG., Otieno-Nyunya, B., Akhaabi, P., Puri, R., Bucher, S., and Nyandiko, W.  Traditional birth attendants: A forgotten resource in HIV education and prevention. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Eastern and Central Africa, 2012, 24(1), pp. 11-17.


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