Malaz A. Boustani, MD, MPH
Richard M. Fairbanks Professor of Aging Research
Professor of Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Surgery
Founding Director and Implementation Scientist, Center for Health Innovation &
Implementation Science
Founding Director, Chief Innovation and Implementation Officer, Sandra Eskenazi Center for Brain Care Innovation
Research Scientist, Indiana University Center for Aging Research
Director, Senior Care Innovation, Eskenazi Health
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1101 West Tenth St.
Indianapolis , IN 46202 - PubMed:
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I am a geriatrician, a neuroscientist, and implementation scientist with a goal of using insights from behavioral economics, complexity science, and network science to develop, implement and distribute an innovative, sustainable and scalable “Blue Print” of the 21st Century learning Academic healthcare delivery system. Such an agile social organization will be able to reduce the 17-year cycle of developing and translating innovative, cost effective, and scalable medical innovations. At the same time, the learning system will be capable of delivering personalized, evidence-based, and valued healthcare with a great experience for clinicians, learners, and patients.
Key Publications
I have built a Clinical Aging Brain Care Learning Laboratory across two health care systems in Indiana; Indiana University Health, a statewide system that include 17 hospitals; and Eskenazi Health, a safety net health system serving the need of the underprivileged Marion County residents in Indianapolis. Through this Clinical Laboratory I have led numerous observational and clinical trials studies totaling more than $70 million of funding from the NIH, AHRQ, and CMS. Below are examples of research programs that I am directing. I was the PI of NIA funded cross-sectional study that investigated the attitudes of more than 1,000 older primary care patients and their family members toward dementia screening (R01AG029884); I completed the first randomized controlled trial investigating the benefits and harms of dementia screening among 4,000 older adults attending rural and urban primary care clinics in central Indiana (R01AG040220); I developed and disseminated a scalable version of the collaborative care model for dementia and depression, known as the Indian University Aging Brain Care Model, across the state of Indiana (1C1CMS331000-01-00); I just completed two randomized controlled clinical trials that investigated the efficacy of pharmacological management protocols in reducing the severity and the duration of delirium among 500 critically ill hospitalized patients (R01AG034205; R24MH080827); I published the results of the first randomized clinical trial investigating the medication adherence and safety of the three currently available cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer Disease (R01HS019818); I just completed a study funded by Merck Pharmaceutical to use machine learning to develop a scalable passive digital markers of early Alzheimer disease and other dementing illness(ADRD); and just recently, my team received funding from the NIH for conducting two clinical trials in evaluating the impact of De-prescribing anticholinergic medications in preventing ADRD.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2002 | MPH | University of North Carolina |
2000 | Fellowship | Regenstrief Institute Indianapolis, Indiana |
2000 | Residency | Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio |
1994 | MD | University of Damascus |
Over the past decade, I have mastered skills in health care delivery science, public health, innovation, and implementation science. I have used these skills to build in 2009 a Clinical Aging Brain Care Learning Laboratory in central Indiana; launched in 2013 the Indiana University Center for Health Innovation and Implementation Science (CHIIS); and created in 2015 the Great Lake Practice Transformation Network. Over 48 months and under my leadership, the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network leveraged the intellectual capital of 30 organizations and 8 universities to support the clinical transformation of more than 13,000 clinicians across the five states of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, and Ohio with a $17 return on every $1 investment from Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. In 2015, CHIIS launched Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Implementation Science, the first in the nation. This Graduate certificate (www.hii.iu.edu) aims to support the development of cadre of interdisciplinary transformational change agents who are skilled in the tools of Agile Innovation, Agile Implementation, Agile Analytics, and Agile Diffusion.
The specific focus of my clinical research work is improving the brain health and the brain care quality at lower cost for older adults suffering from dementia or delirium in both inpatient and outpatient settings. My studies have included patient surveys, development of new clinical assessment tools, testing of new treatment models, and implementing such models in a very rapid, scalable, and sustainable way. My most important methodological contribution to research in this area has been my application of complexity science to the vexing problem of improving the performance of health care providers and health care systems. My most important clinical care contribution to date has been my work elucidating the role of total anticholinergic load and anticholinergic medications in the development and clinical course of dementia and delirium. My most important policy contribution has been my research on understanding the risks and benefits of routine screening for dementia.
Since joining the faculty at Indiana University I continuously broke down the wall between the research laboratory and the clinics. Within less than two years from publishing in 2007 our landmark randomized clinical trial paper in JAMA demonstrating the efficacy of the collaborative dementia care model, I used the tools of Implementation Science to translate the model into a second-generation memory care clinic within the Eskenazi health system. This Healthy Aging Brain Care clinic is now in its 12 year of operation and has reduced the severity of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of more than 5,000 patients suffering from mild cognitive impairment or various dementing illnesses. In addition, the clinic has reduced the burden of the family caregivers, generated an annual net saving of close to $3,000 per patient, and facilitated the recruitment of more than 500 subjects into clinical trials. In 2009, I led the conception, design, and staffing of the Aging Brain Care-Medical Home program which serves as a population health management and care coordination program serving the needs of older adults with dementia, mild cognitive impairment or depression, cared for in primary care clinics. The ABC Medical Home was led by a part time medical director who was supervising two interdisciplinary teams of nurses, social workers, and care coordinator assistants working in collaboration with the patient’s primary care physician. This Medical Home has demonstrated both improved quality of care and reduction in acute care utilization. The Healthy Aging Brain Care clinic and the ABC Medical Home program represent clinical translations of our research findings and at the same time offer new venues for novel clinical research.
Harrawood A; Fowler NR; Perkins AJ; LaMantia MA; Boustani MA; Current Alzheimer research 2017 Sep 7
Khan BA; Perkins AJ; Gao S; Hui SL; Campbell NL; Farber MO; Chlan LL; Boustani MA; Critical care medicine 2017 May
Khan BA; Alder CA; Boustani MA; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017 Mar 29
Campbell NL; Perkins AJ; Gao S; Skaar TC; Li L; Hendrie HC; Fowler N; Callahan CM; Boustani MA; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017 Mar 14
Pandharipande PP; Ely EW; Arora RC; Balas MC; Boustani MA; La Calle GH; Cunningham C; Devlin JW; Elefante J; Han JH; MacLullich AM; Maldonado JR; Morandi A; Needham DM; Page VJ; Rose L; Salluh JIF; Sharshar T; Shehabi Y; Skrobik Y; Slooter AJC; Smith HAB; Intensive care medicine 2017 Jun 13
Khan BA; Perkins A; Hui SL; Gao S; Campbell NL; Farber MO; Boustani MA; Critical care medicine 2016 Sep
LaMantia MA; Perkins AJ; Gao S; Austrom MG; Alder CA; French DD; Litzelman DK; Cottingham AH; Boustani MA; Clinical interventions in aging 2016 Oct 31
Campbell NL; Perkins AJ; Bradt P; Perk S; Wielage RC; Boustani MA; Ng DB; Pharmacotherapy 2016 Nov 5
Callahan CM; Boustani MA; Schmid AA; LaMantia MA; Austrom MG; Miller DK; Gao S; Ferguson DY; Lane KA; Hendrie HC; Annals of internal medicine 2016 Nov 22
Boustani MA; Pittman I 4th; Yu M; Thieu VT; Varnado OJ; Juneja R; Diabetes, obesity & metabolism 2016 Jun 7
Alzheimer's Association National Plan Care and Support Milestone Workgroup.; Borson S; Boustani MA; Buckwalter KC; Burgio LD; Chodosh J; Fortinsky RH; Gifford DR; Gwyther LP; Koren MJ; Lynn J; Phillips C; Roherty M; Ronch J; Stahl C; Rodgers L; Kim H; Baumgart M; Geiger A; Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association 2016 Feb 8
Orman ES; Perkins A; Ghabril M; Khan BA; Chalasani N; Boustani MA; Metabolic brain disease 2015 May 7
Campbell NL; Boustani MA; JAMA internal medicine 2015 Mar 1
Khan BA; Lasiter S; Boustani MA; The American journal of nursing 2015 Mar
LaMantia MA; Alder CA; Callahan CM; Gao S; French DD; Austrom MG; Boustany K; Livin L; Bynagari B; Boustani MA; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Jun 15
Fowler NR; Frame A; Perkins AJ; Gao S; Watson DP; Monahan P; Boustani MA; Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2015 Jun
Campbell NL; Skaar TC; Perkins AJ; Gao S; Li L; Khan BA; Boustani MA; Clinical interventions in aging 2015 Jan 14
Fowler NR; Perkins AJ; Turchan HA; Frame A; Monahan P; Gao S; Boustani MA; Journal of aging research 2015 Apr 20
Cottingham AH; Alder C; Austrom MG; Johnson CS; Boustani MA; Litzelman DK; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2014 Jun 10
Campbell NL; Cantor BB; Hui SL; Perkins A; Khan BA; Farber MO; Nazir A; Garrett SL; Ely EW; Boustani MA; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2014 Feb 27
Monahan PO; Alder CA; Khan BA; Stump T; Boustani MA; Clinical interventions in aging 2014 Dec 5
Khan BA; Fadel WF; Tricker JL; Carlos WG; Farber MO; Hui SL; Campbell NL; Ely EW; Boustani MA; Critical care medicine 2014 Dec
LaMantia MA; Boustani MA; Jhanji S; Maina M; Nazir A; Messina FC; Frame A; Alder C; Chodosh J; Dementia (London, England) 2014 Aug 15
Braun SR; Reiner K; Tegeler C; Bucholtz N; Boustani MA; Steinhagen-Thiessen E; International psychogeriatrics / IPA 2013 Nov 27
Campbell NL; Unverzagt F; LaMantia MA; Khan BA; Boustani MA; Clinics in geriatric medicine 2013 Nov
Calvo-Ayala E; Khan BA; Farber MO; Ely EW; Boustani MA; Chest 2013 Nov
Hendrie HC; Lindgren D; Hay DP; Lane KA; Gao S; Purnell C; Munger S; Smith F; Dickens J; Boustani MA; Callahan CM; The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 2013 Feb 6
Khan BA; Farber MO; Campbell N; Perkins A; Prasad NK; Hui SL; Miller DK; Calvo-Ayala E; Buckley JD; Ionescu R; Shekhar A; Ely EW; Boustani MA; International journal of general medicine 2013 Dec 2
Boustani MA; Frame A; Munger S; Healey P; Westlund J; Farlow M; Hake A; Austrom MG; Shepard P; Bubp C; Azar J; Nazir A; Adams N; Campbell NL; Chehresa A; Dexter P; Clinical interventions in aging 2012 Nov 16
Boustani MA; Campbell NL; Khan BA; Abernathy G; Zawahiri M; Campbell T; Tricker J; Hui SL; Buckley JD; Perkins AJ; Farber MO; Callahan CM; Journal of general internal medicine 2012 May
Khan BA; Zawahiri M; Campbell NL; Fox GC; Weinstein EJ; Nazir A; Farber MO; Buckley JD; Maclullich A; Boustani MA; Journal of hospital medicine 2012 Jun 8
Callahan CM; Boustani MA; Schmid AA; Austrom MG; Miller DK; Gao S; Morris CS; Vogel M; Hendrie HC; Trials 2012 Jun 27
Monahan PO; Boustani MA; Alder C; Galvin JE; Perkins AJ; Healey P; Chehresa A; Shepard P; Bubp C; Frame A; Callahan C; Clinical interventions in aging 2012 Jun 14
Campbell NL; Boustani MA; Skopelja EN; Gao S; Unverzagt FW; Murray MD; The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy 2012 Jun
Khan BA; Guzman O; Campbell NL; Walroth T; Tricker J; Hui SL; Perkins A; Zawahiri M; Buckley JD; Farber MO; Ely W; Boustani MA; Chest 2012 Jul
Khan BA; Zawahiri M; Campbell NL; Boustani MA; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2011 Nov
Khan BA; Hui KY; Hui SL; Gulati R; Tricker J; Campbell NL; Farber MO; Boustani MA; Buckley JD; American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 2011 May
Boustani MA; Justiss MD; Frame A; Austrom MG; Perkins AJ; Cai X; Sachs GA; Torke AM; Monahan P; Hendrie HC; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2011 Mar 25
Boustani MA; Sachs GA; Alder CA; Munger S; Schubert CC; Guerriero Austrom M; Hake AM; Unverzagt FW; Farlow M; Matthews BR; Perkins AJ; Beck RA; Callahan CM; Aging & mental health 2011 Jan
Callahan CM; Boustani MA; Weiner M; Beck RA; Livin LR; Kellams JJ; Willis DR; Hendrie HC; Aging & mental health 2011 Jan
Boustani MA; Munger S; Gulati R; Vogel M; Beck RA; Callahan CM; Clinical interventions in aging 2010 May 25
Campbell N; Ayub A; Boustani MA; Fox C; Farlow M; Maidment I; Howards R; Clinical interventions in aging 2008
Callahan CM; Boustani MA; Unverzagt FW; Austrom MG; Damush TM; Perkins AJ; Fultz BA; Hui SL; Counsell SR; Hendrie HC; JAMA 2006 May 10
Watson LC; Lewis CL; Kistler CE; Amick HR; Boustani M; International journal of geriatric psychiatry 2004 Mar
Guerriero Austrom M; Damush TM; Hartwell CW; Perkins T; Unverzagt F; Boustani M; Hendrie HC; Callahan CM; The Gerontologist 2004 Aug
Boustani M; Peterson B; Hanson L; Harris R; Lohr KN; U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.; Annals of internal medicine 2003 Jun 3
Boustani M; Peterson B; Harris R; Lux LJ; Krasnov C; Sutton SF; Hanson L; Lohr KN; 2003 Jun
Sloane PD; Zimmerman S; Suchindran C; Reed P; Wang L; Boustani M; Sudha S; Annual review of public health 2001 Oct 25
Geriatric Medicine and Brain Health
Desc: Trustee Teaching Award
Scope: University
Date: 2017-05-01