Tiebing Liang, PhD
Associate Research Professor of Medicine
Director, Genomics and Bioinformatics Core of the IARC (2007-2018)
Dr. Liang has training in cell biology and molecular biology, and her research interests have been centered on the study of genetics and molecular mechanism. Dr. Liang’s graduate work focused on the molecular mechanism of vernalization, followed by her research fellowship on DNA and protein interaction at the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in Italy in 2000. She joined the Department of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine as a postdoctoral fellow in 2001 under Dr. Lucinda Carr and was guided by Ting-Kai Li, Lawrence Lumeng, and Tatiana Foroud. She joined the Indiana University School of Medicine research faculty in 2006, serving as PI of a research lab and as Director of a Genomics and Bioinformatics Core of the Indiana Alcohol Research Center (IARC). Since 2013, she joined the liver research program directed by Dr. Naga Chalasani. Her research interests are the genetics of alcohol use disorder, and metabolic and liver diseases in basic science and clinical research settings.
Key Publications
1) Liang T, Spence J, Liu L, Strother WN, Chang HW, Ellison JA, Lumeng L, Li TK, Foroud T, Carr LG. alpha-Synuclein maps to a quantitative trait locus for alcohol preference and is differentially expressed in alcohol-preferring and -nonpreferring rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Apr 15;100(8):4690-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0737182100. Epub 2003 Mar 28. PubMed PMID: 12665621; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC153617.2) Liang T *, Kimpel MW, McClintick JN, Skillman AR, McCall K, Edenberg HJ, Carr LG. Candidate genes for alcohol preference identified by expression profiling in alcohol-preferring and -nonpreferring reciprocal congenic rats. Genome Biol. 2010;11(2):R11. doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-2-r11. Epub 2010 Feb 3. PubMed PMID: 20128895; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2872871. * Corresponding author.
3) Vuppalanchi R, Liang T, Goswami CP, Nalamasu R, Li L, Jones D, Wei R, Liu W, Sarasani V, Janga SC, Chalasani N. Relationship between differential hepatic microRNA expression and decreased hepatic cytochrome P450 3A activity in cirrhosis. PLoS One. 2013;8(9):e74471. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074471. eCollection 2013. PubMed PMID: 24058572; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3772944.
4) Liang T, Alloosh M, Bell LN, Fullenkamp A, Saxena R, Van Alstine W, Bybee P, Werling K, Sturek M, Chalasani N, Masuoka HC. Liver injury and fibrosis induced by dietary challenge in the Ossabaw miniature Swine. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0124173. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124173. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 25978364; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4433111.
5) Qiu B, Bell RL, Cao Y, Zhang L, Stewart RB, Graves T, Lumeng L, Yong W, Liang T. Npy deletion in an alcohol non-preferring rat model elicits differential effects on alcohol consumption and body weight. J Genet Genomics. 2016 Jul 20;43(7):421-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2016.04.010. Epub 2016 Apr 29. PubMed PMID: 27461754; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5055068.
6) Qiu B, Luczak SE, Wall TL, Kirchhoff AM, Xu Y, Eng MY, Stewart RB, Shou W, Boehm SL, Chester JA, Yong W, Liang T. The FKBP5 Gene Affects Alcohol Drinking in Knockout Mice and Is Implicated in Alcohol Drinking in Humans. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Aug 5;17(8). doi: 10.3390/ijms17081271. PubMed PMID: 27527158; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5000669.
7) Vilar-Gomez E, Sookoian S, Pirola CJ, Liang T, Gawrieh S, Cummings O, Liu W, Chalasani NP. ADH1B∗2 Is Associated With Reduced Severity of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Adults, Independent of Alcohol Consumption. Gastroenterology. 2020 Sep;159(3):929-943. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.05.054. Epub 2020 May 23. PubMed PMID: 32454036; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7502531.
8) Vilar-Gomez E, Pirola CJ, Sookoian S, Wilson LA, Belt P, Liang T, Liu W, Chalasani N. Impact of the Association Between PNPLA3 Genetic Variation and Dietary Intake on the Risk of Significant Fibrosis in Patients With NAFLD. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 May 1;116(5):994-1006. doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001072. PubMed PMID: 33306506; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8087619.
9) Whitfield JB, Schwantes-An TH, Darlay R, Aithal GP, Atkinson SR, Bataller R, Botwin G, Chalasani NP, Cordell HJ, Daly AK, Day CP, Eyer F, Foroud T, Gleeson D, Goldman D, Haber PS, Jacquet JM, Liang T, Liangpunsakul S, Masson S, Mathurin P, Moirand R, McQuillin A, Moreno C, Morgan MY, Mueller S, Müllhaupt B, Nagy LE, Nahon P, Nalpas B, Naveau S, Perney P, Pirmohamed M, Seitz HK, Soyka M, Stickel F, Thompson A, Thursz MR, Trépo E, Morgan TR, Seth D. A genetic risk score and diabetes predict development of alcohol-related cirrhosis in drinkers. J Hepatol. 2021 Oct 13;. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2021.10.005. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34656649.
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Complete List of Published Work in My Bibliography:
Year | Degree | Institution |
2000 | PhD | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
1993 | MS | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
1990 | BS | Lanzhou University |
Genetics of Liver Disease, Alcohol Use Disorder, Gene Mapping, and Gene Function
The central focus of Dr. Liang’s research is the identification of genes contributing to Alcohol Use Disorder and Liver Disease. Ongoing studies explore the role of both common and rare variants in disease risk by application of whole genome approaches, genetic modification and gene function identification, as well as molecular and biochemical analyses.
Genomics of AUD. Through the application of selective breeding, congenic animal breeding, and transcriptome profiling, we have identified the genomic region and candidate genes implicated in alcohol consumption, anxiety, and risk-taking behavior. We have conducted association studies and molecular characterizations on alcohol metabolizing genes, such as ADH and ALDH, as well as genes implicated in AUD development (SNCA, NPY and its receptors), anxiety (CRHR2), and withdrawal severity (FKBP5).
Genetic risk for Liver Disease Dr. Liang’s laboratory has participated in international and national studies, focusing on genetic determinates of alcohol use disorder (P60) and alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis (U01). She has provided genetic analyses for multiple collaborative consortia, such as the NASH Clinical Research Network (CRN). These have led to the Identification of polygenic risk factors that predict liver disease development, as well as genetic and nutritional interactions in the determination of liver disease onset. Additionally, the laboratory performs animal feeding studies to understand how high-fat diet and alcohol consumption impact liver disease development.
Genetic Manipulation Application of genetic modification technologies has enhanced Dr. Liang’s research capabilities and enabled the exploration of new lines of inquiry. She has generated an Npy KO rat model using Zinc-Finger technology. Recently, she has conducted multiple studies using Fkbp5 KO mice. As a stress response gene, Fkbp5 plays a role in alcohol consumption and withdrawal and Fkbp5 KO mice are more resistant to alcohol- and drug-induced liver injury. The laboratory is currently incorporating AI technology in identifying differences in mitochondrial and neuron morphology.
Vilar-Gomez E; Liang T; Yates K; Wilson L; Loomba R; Chalasani N; Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 2022 Nov 17
Qiu B; Zhong Z; Righter S; Xu Y; Wang J; Deng R; Wang C; Williams KE; Ma YY; Tsechpenakis G; Liang T; Yong W; Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 2022 Mar 4
Vilar-Gomez E; Pirola CJ; Sookoian S; Wilson LA; Liang T; Chalasani N; Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 2022 Apr 21
Whitfield JB; Schwantes-An TH; Darlay R; Aithal GP; Atkinson SR; Bataller R; Botwin G; Chalasani NP; Cordell HJ; Daly AK; Day CP; Eyer F; Foroud T; Gleeson D; Goldman D; Haber PS; Jacquet JM; Liang T; Liangpunsakul S; Masson S; Mathurin P; Moirand R; McQuillin A; Moreno C; Morgan MY; Mueller S; Müllhaupt B; Nagy LE; Nahon P; Nalpas B; Naveau S; Perney P; Pirmohamed M; Seitz HK; Soyka M; Stickel F; Thompson A; Thursz MR; Trépo E; Morgan TR; Seth D; GenomALC Consortium; Journal of hepatology 2021 Oct 14
Roselli V; Guo C; Huang D; Wen D; Zona D; Liang T; Ma YY; Neuropharmacology 2020 Sep 17
Shamseddeen H; Madathanapalli A; Are VS; Shah VH; Sanyal AJ; Tang Q; Liang T; Gelow K; Zimmers TA; Chalasani N; Desai AP; Digestive diseases and sciences 2020 Oct 19
Vilar-Gomez E; Sookoian S; Pirola CJ; Liang T; Gawrieh S; Cummings O; Liu W; Chalasani NP; Gastroenterology 2020 May 23
Vilar-Gomez E; Gawrieh S; Liang T; McIntyre AD; Hegele RA; Chalasani N; Journal of clinical lipidology 2020 Dec 27
Vilar-Gomez E; Jose Pirola C; Sookoian S; Wilson LA; Belt P; Liang T; Liu W; Chalasani N; The American journal of gastroenterology 2020 Dec 10
Schwantes-An TH; Darlay R; Mathurin P; Masson S; Liangpunsakul S; Mueller S; Aithal GP; Eyer F; Gleeson D; Thompson A; Muellhaupt B; Stickel F; Soyka M; Goldman D; Liang T; Lumeng L; Pirmohamed M; Nalpas B; Jacquet JM; Moirand R; Nahon P; Naveau S; Perney P; Botwin G; Haber PS; Seitz HK; Day CP; Foroud TM; Daly AK; Cordell HJ; Whitfield JB; Morgan TR; Seth D; GenomALC Consortium.; Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 2020 Aug 27
Spence JP; Lai D; Reiter JL; Cao S; Bell RL; Williams KE; Liang T; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2020 Aug 14
Jansson-Knodell CL; Gawrieh S; McIntyre AD; Liang T; Hegele RA; Chalasani N; Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 2019 Oct 10
Qiu B; Xu Y; Wang J; Liu M; Dou L; Deng R; Wang C; Williams KE; Stewart RB; Xie Z; Ren W; Zhao Z; Shou W; Liang T; Yong W; Neuroscience 2019 Jan 24
Spence JP; Reiter JL; Qiu B; Gu H; Garcia DK; Zhang L; Graves T; Williams KE; Bice PJ; Zou Y; Lai Z; Yong W; Liang T; Frontiers in genetics 2018 Dec 4
Nobili V; Alisi A; Liu Z; Liang T; Crudele A; Raponi M; Lin J; Chalasani NP; Liu W; Pediatric research 2018 Aug 4
Whitfield JB; Masson S; Liangpunsakul S; Hyman J; Mueller S; Aithal G; Eyer F; Gleeson D; Thompson A; Stickel F; Soyka M; Daly AK; Cordell HJ; Liang T; Foroud T; Lumeng L; Pirmohamed M; Nalpas B; Bence C; Jacquet JM; Louvet A; Moirand R; Nahon P; Naveau S; Perney P; Podevin P; Haber PS; Seitz HK; Day CP; Mathurin P; Morgan TM; Seth D; GenomALC Consortium.; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2017 Sep 23
Luk JW; Liang T; Wall TL; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2017 Jul
Zhang L; Qiu B; Wang T; Wang J; Liu M; Xu Y; Wang C; Deng R; Williams K; Yang Z; Liang T; Yong W; Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2017 Feb 27
Bell RL; Hauser SR; Liang T; Sari Y; Maldonado-Devincci A; Rodd ZA; Neuropharmacology 2017 Feb 16
Luczak SE; Liang T; Wall TL; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2017 Aug 28
Tricò D; Di Sessa A; Caprio S; Chalasani N; Liu W; Liang T; Graf J; Herzog RI; Johnson CD; Umano GR; Feldstein AE; Santoro N; Antioxidants & redox signaling 2017 Apr 7
Kim BJ; Valsangkar NP; Liang TW; Murphy MP; Zimmers TA; Bell TM; Davies MG; Koniaris LG; Annals of vascular surgery 2016 Sep 23
Liang T; Chalasani NP; Williams KE; Sarasani V; Janga SC; Vuppalanchi R; Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 2016 Oct 22
Gracon AS; Liang TW; Rothhaar K; Wu J; Wilkes DS; The Journal of surgical research 2016 Mar 26
Liang TW; Jester A; Motaganahalli RL; Wilson MG; G'Sell P; Akingba GA; Fajardo A; Murphy MP; Journal of vascular surgery 2016 Mar 23
Bell RL; Hauser S; Rodd ZA; Liang T; Sari Y; McClintick J; Rahman S; Engleman EA; International review of neurobiology 2016 Mar 21
Yoder KK; Albrecht DS; Dzemidzic M; Normandin MD; Federici LM; Graves T; Herring CM; Hile KL; Walters JW; Liang T; Plawecki MH; O'Connor S; Kareken DA; Drug and alcohol dependence 2016 Jan 13
Peng JL; Patel MP; McGee B; Liang T; Chandler K; Tayarachakul S; O'Connor S; Liangpunsakul S; Journal of investigative medicine : the official publication of the American Federation for Clinical Research 2016 Dec 9
Liang TW; Feliciano DV; Koniaris LG; American journal of surgery 2016 Dec 23
Qiu B; Luczak SE; Wall TL; Kirchhoff AM; Xu Y; Eng MY; Stewart RB; Shou W; Boehm SL; Chester JA; Yong W; Liang T; International journal of molecular sciences 2016 Aug 5
Lo CL; Lossie AC; Liang T; Liu Y; Xuei X; Lumeng L; Zhou FC; Muir WM; PLoS genetics 2016 Aug 4
Valsangkar NP; Liang TW; Martin PJ; Mayo JS; Rosati CM; Feliciano DV; Zimmers TA; Koniaris LG; Surgery 2016 Aug 11
Gracon AS; Liang TW; Easterday TS; Weber DJ; Butler J; Slaven JE; Lemmon GW; Motaganahalli RL; Vascular and endovascular surgery 2016 Aug
Qiu B; Bell RL; Cao Y; Zhang L; Stewart RB; Graves T; Lumeng L; Yong W; Liang T; Journal of genetics and genomics = Yi chuan xue bao 2016 Apr 29
Hu Z; Hu X; He S; Yim HJ; Xiao J; Swaroop M; Tanega C; Zhang YQ; Yi G; Kao CC; Marugan J; Ferrer M; Zheng W; Southall N; Liang TJ; Antiviral research 2015 Oct 26
Liang T; Alloosh M; Bell LN; Fullenkamp A; Saxena R; Van Alstine W; Bybee P; Werling K; Sturek M; Chalasani N; Masuoka HC; PloS one 2015 May 15
Kosobud AE; Wetherill L; Plawecki MH; Kareken DA; Liang T; Nurnberger JL; Windisch K; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Foroud TM; O'Connor SJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2015 Jun 19
Guillot CR; Pang RD; Leventhal AM; Liang T; Berman ME; Psychiatry research 2015 Feb 24
Montane Jaime LK; Shafe S; Liang T; Wills DN; Berg GI; Ehlers CL; Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2014 Sep
Huang MC; Schwandt ML; Chester JA; Kirchhoff AM; Kao CF; Liang T; Tapocik JD; Ramchandani VA; George DT; Hodgkinson CA; Goldman D; Heilig M; Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2014 Mar 7
Yong W; Spence JP; Eskay R; Fitz SD; Damadzic R; Lai D; Foroud T; Carr LG; Shekhar A; Chester JA; Heilig M; Liang T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2014 Mar 10
Luczak SE; Yarnell LM; Prescott CA; Myers MG; Liang T; Wall TL; Journal of abnormal psychology 2014 Feb
Guillot CR; Fanning JR; Liang T; Leventhal AM; Berman ME; Journal of anxiety disorders 2014 Dec 30
Klein JD; Sherrill JB; Morello GM; San Miguel PJ; Ding Z; Liangpunsakul S; Liang T; Muir WM; Lumeng L; Lossie AC; PloS one 2014 Dec 26
Vuppalanchi R; Liang T; Goswami CP; Nalamasu R; Li L; Jones D; Wei R; Liu W; Sarasani V; Janga SC; Chalasani N; PloS one 2013 Sep 13
Guillot CR; Fanning JR; Liang T; Berman ME; Neurogenetics 2013 Oct 3
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Ding ZM; Hyytia P; Colombo G; Liang T; Edenberg HJ; Lumeng L; Bell RL; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2013 Oct 1
Spence JP; Lai D; Shekhar A; Carr LG; Foroud T; Liang T; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2013 Feb
McBride WJ; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Ding ZM; Edenberg HJ; Liang T; Rodd ZA; Bell RL; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2013 Dec 16
Ehlers CL; Liang T; Gizer IR; The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse 2012 Sep
Otto JM; Hendershot CS; Collins SE; Liang T; Wall TL; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2012 May 16
Zhou FC; Zhao Q; Liu Y; Goodlett CR; Liang T; McClintick JN; Edenberg HJ; Li L; BMC genomics 2011 Feb 21
Hendershot CS; Lindgren KP; Liang T; Hutchison KE; Addiction biology 2011 Feb 10
Hendershot CS; Witkiewitz K; George WH; Wall TL; Otto JM; Liang T; Larimer ME; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2010 Oct 6
Alam I; Carr LG; Liang T; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; Econs MJ; Turner CH; Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2010 Jun
Liang T; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Skillman AR; McCall K; Edenberg HJ; Carr LG; Genome biology 2010 Feb 3
Kareken DA; Liang T; Wetherill L; Dzemidzic M; Bragulat V; Cox C; Talavage T; O'Connor SJ; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2010 Dec
Bice PJ; Liang T; Zhang L; Graves TJ; Carr LG; Lai D; Kimpel MW; Foroud T; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2010 Aug 12
Hendershot CS; Otto JM; Collins SE; Liang T; Wall TL; Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine 2010 Aug
Hendershot CS; Neighbors C; George WH; McCarthy DM; Wall TL; Liang T; Larimer ME; Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 2009 Sep
Alam I; Sun Q; Koller DL; Liu L; Liu Y; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Turner CH; Functional & integrative genomics 2009 Oct 15
Spence JP; Liang T; Liu L; Johnson PL; Foroud T; Carr LG; Shekhar A; Current drug abuse reviews 2009 May
Hendershot CS; Collins SE; George WH; Wall TL; McCarthy DM; Liang T; Larimer ME; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2009 Mar 6
Moore SM; Liang T; Graves TJ; McCall KM; Carr LG; Ehlers CL; Human genomics 2009 Jul
Bell RL; Kimpel MW; McClintick JN; Strother WN; Carr LG; Liang T; Rodd ZA; Mayfield RD; Edenberg HJ; McBride WJ; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2009 Aug 8
Wetherill L; Schuckit MA; Hesselbrock V; Xuei X; Liang T; Dick DM; Kramer J; Nurnberger JI Jr; Tischfield JA; Porjesz B; Edenberg HJ; Foroud T; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2008 Sep 25
Bice PJ; Liang T; Zhang L; Strother WN; Carr LG; Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society 2008 Jan 23
Rodd ZA; Kimpel MW; Edenberg HJ; Bell RL; Strother WN; McClintick JN; Carr LG; Liang T; McBride WJ; Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 2008 Feb 26
Kimpel MW; Strother WN; McClintick JN; Carr LG; Liang T; Edenberg HJ; McBride WJ; Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) 2007 Mar
Carr LG; Kimpel MW; Liang T; McClintick JN; McCall K; Morse M; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2007 Apr 19
Foroud T; Wetherill LF; Liang T; Dick DM; Hesselbrock V; Kramer J; Nurnberger J; Schuckit M; Carr L; Porjesz B; Xuei X; Edenberg HJ; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2007 Apr
Liang T; Carr LG; Journal of neurochemistry 2006 Oct
Spence J; Liang T; Foroud T; Lo D; Carr L; Addiction biology 2005 Mar
Spence JP; Liang T; Habegger K; Carr LG; Neuroscience 2005
Liang T; Habegger K; Spence JP; Foroud T; Ellison JA; Lumeng L; Li TK; Carr LG; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2004 Nov
Spence JP; Liang T; Eriksson CJ; Taylor RE; Wall TL; Ehlers CL; Carr LG; Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2003 Sep
Yong WD; Xu YY; Xu WZ; Wang X; Li N; Wu JS; Liang TB; Chong K; Xu ZH; Tan KH; Zhu ZQ; Planta 2003 Mar 4
Liang T; Spence J; Liu L; Strother WN; Chang HW; Ellison JA; Lumeng L; Li TK; Foroud T; Carr LG; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2003 Mar 28
Liang T; Tan K; Chong K; Zhu Z; Pongor S; Simoncsits A; Science in China. Series C, Life sciences 2001 Jun
Desc: Dr. Tiebing Liang was awarded a highly competitive international research fellowship in the Protein Structure and Function Group (Now Protein Structure and Bioinformatics) of ICGEB, Trieste, Italy. Her research is centered around several DNA-binding and metabolizing proteins and the general principles of protein-DNA recognition.
Scope: International
Date: 1998-05-01