4924-Bogdewic, Stephen

Stephen P. Bogdewic, PhD

Executive Vice Dean Emeritus

Dr. George W. Copeland Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine

(317) 278-5461
Fairbanks Hall, Suite 6200
340 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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In his role as the first Executive Vice Dean, Professor Bogdewic is responsible for school-wide strategic planning, departmental reviews, and strategic alignment with the health care system.  Prior to serving as Vice Dean, he served for nine years as Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, where he directed academic affairs, faculty development, diversity affairs, and programs for the advancement of women.  He holds faculty appointments in the departments of Family Medicine and Pediatrics, as well as in the School of Public & Environmental Affairs.  Dr. Bogdewic also served as the director of a national faculty development fellowship program at the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina from 1986-1991.  Prior to joining academic medicine he served as pilot for seven years in the United States Navy.


Awards, Honors & Certifications

·         Association of American Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs Carole J Bland Phronesis Award (2012)

·         Association of American Medical Colleges Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Development Award (2009)

·         Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (2008)

·         Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, Indiana University (1999)


·         Excellence in Education Award, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (1999)

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