Sikandar H. Khan, DO
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- sikhan@iu.edu
- Address
1101 West 10th St.
IUCAR - Regenstrief Institute
Indianapolis, IN 46202 - PubMed:
Dr. Sikandar Khan is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, a Physician Scientist at Indiana University Center for Aging Research, and a Center Scientist at Regenstrief Institute. Dr. Khan serves as Medical Director of the Indiana University Health Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Survivor Center, a multidisciplinary outpatient clinic dedicated to the physical, psychiatric, cognitive, and quality of life recovery of survivors of critical illness. He is funded by the National Institute on Aging's Paul Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Development Award (K76) to study the nexus of acute respiratory failure, delirium, and post-ICU Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2018 | MS | Indiana University |
2012 | DO | Des Moines University |
2007 | BA&BS | Loyola University Chicago |
Dr. Khan's clinical and research interests are focused on maximizing the cognitive, physical, mental health, and quality of life recovery of critically ill older adults. With over 30 scientific publications, his scholarly efforts thus far include investigating risk factors for ICU delirium, measurement of delirium severity in the ICU, phenotypic trajectories of delirium survivors, use of biomarker signatures to develop personalized interventions for critically ill older adults, and the development and testing of music as a novel non-pharmacological intervention to mitigate pain, anxiety, and delirium in the ICU.
S Khan, M Fuchita, S Wang, A Perkins, S Gao, K Kesler, B Khan Annals of Thoracic Surgery January 2019
Khan BA; Perkins AJ; Campbell NL; Gao S; Farber MO; Wang S; Khan SH; Zarzaur BL; Boustani MA; Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2019 Jan 25
Campbell NL; Perkins AJ; Khan BA; Gao S; Farber MO; Khan S; Wang S; Boustani MA; 2019 Jan 21
Khan SH; Devnani R; LaPradd M; Landrigan M; Gray A; Kelley A; Eckert GJ; Li X; Khan BA; 2018 Sep 15
Wang S; Hammes J; Khan S; Gao S; Harrawood A; Martinez S; Moser L; Perkins A; Unverzagt FW; Clark DO; Boustani M; Khan B; Trials 2018 Mar 27
Khan SH; Kitsis M; Golovyan D; Wang S; Chlan LL; Boustani M; Khan BA; 2018 Jul 9
Wang S; Sigua NL; Manchanda S; Gradney S; Khan SH; Perkins A; Kesler K; Khan B; The Annals of thoracic surgery 2018 Jul 3
Golovyan DM; Khan SH; Wang S; Khan BA; 2018 Jul
Khan S; Biju A; Wang S; Gao S; Irfan O; Harrawood A; Martinez S; Brewer E; Perkins A; Unverzagt FW; Lasiter S; Zarzaur B; Rahman O; Boustani M; Khan B; Trials 2018 Feb 7
Wang S; Mosher C; Perkins AJ; Gao S; Lasiter S; Khan S; Boustani M; Khan B; 2017 Sep 6
Wang S; Mosher C; Gao S; Kirk K; Lasiter S; Khan S; Kheir YN; Boustani M; Khan B; 2017 Sep
Khan SH; Wang S; Harrawood A; Martinez S; Heiderscheit A; Chlan L; Perkins AJ; Tu W; Boustani M; Khan B; 2017 Nov 29