Mithun Sinha, PhD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology
- mitsinha@iu.edu
- Phone
- 317-278-2713
- Address
975 W Walnut St.
IB Building Suite #444A
Indianapolis, IN 46202 - PubMed:
Dr. Sinha currently serves as Assistant Professor of Surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine. He received his doctoral degree in Biotechnology from University of Calcutta, India. Prior to joining Indiana University, Dr. Sinha did his post-doctoral training at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Sinha’s research focus is in surgical implant associated complications and wound healing. He has more than 30 peer reviewed publications.
Key Publications
- Suh LJ, Khan I, Kelley-Patteson, C, Mohan G, Hassanein, AH, Sinha M. Breast Implant Associated Immunological Disorders. Journal of Immunology Research DOI: 10.1155/2022/8536149.
- Sinha M*, Ghosh N, Wijesinghe DS, Mathew-Steiner SS, Das A, Singh K, El Masry M, Khanna S, Inoue H, Yamazaki K, Kawada M, Gordillo GM, Roy S, Sen CK*. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Theft Biofilm Require Host Lipids of Cutaneous Wound. Annals of Surgery doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000005252 (*co-corresponding authors).
- Sinha M, Sen CK, Singh K, Das A, Ghatak S, Rhea B, Blackstone B, Powell H, Khanna S, Roy S. Direct conversion of injury-site myeloid cells to fibroblast-like cells of granulation tissue. Nature Communications 2018; 9 (1): 936. DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-03208-w
- Singh K, Sinha M, Pal D, Tabasum S, Gnyawali SC, Kona D, Sarkar S, Mohanty SK, Soto-Gonzalez F, Khanna S, Roy S, Sen CK. Cutaneous epithelial to mesenchymal transition activator ZEB1 regulates wound angiogenesis and closure in a glycemic status dependent manner. Diabetes 2019, Nov;68(11):2175-2190. DOI: 10.2337/db19-0202
- Gallego-Perez D, Pal D, Ghatak S, Malkoc V, Higuita-Castro N, Gnyawali S, Chang L, Liao W, Shi J, Sinha M, Singh K, Steen E, Sunyecz A, Stewart R, Moore J, Ziebro T, Northcutt R, Homsy M, Bertani P, Lu W, Roy S, Khanna S, Rink C, Sundaresan V, Otero J, Lee LJ, Sen CK. Topical tissue nano-transfection mediates non-viral stroma reprogramming and rescue. Nature Nanotechnology 2017; 12 (10), 974-979. DOI: 10.1038/nnano.2017.134
- Das A*, Sinha M*, Datta S, Abas M, Chaffee S, Sen CK, Roy S. Monocyte and macrophage plasticity in tissue repair and regeneration. The American Journal of Pathology 2015, 185 (10), 2596-2606. (* joint first authors)
Year | Degree | Institution |
2017 | Fellowship | The Ohio State University |
2012 | PhD | University of Calcutta |
2005 | MS | University of Calcutta |
2003 | BS | University of Calcutta |
Dr. Sinha’s laboratory at the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering (ICRME) focuses on surgical implant associated immunological complications and wound healing.
Implant associated immunological complications: His laboratory is investigating implant-associated immunological manifestations mediated by implant-associated bacterial biofilm. His team focusses on (A) Breast implant-associated complications like breast implant illness (BII) and breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). (B) Orthopedic implant-associated complications which includes connective tissue disease. Current line of study aims to decipher lymphocyte activation via lipid mediators formed by implant-associated bacterial biofilm. The laboratory collaborates with surgeons in the division of plastic surgery, department of orthopedic surgery, Indiana University school of medicine and community plastic surgeons to address this problem. The research is funded through peer-reviewed grants from NIH/NIAID and Plastic Surgery Foundation (PSF).
Wound healing: His laboratory is also investigating the molecular mechanism in wound healing. Dr. Sinha is a leading member and co-investigator (co-I) at the Indiana site for the Diabetic Foot Consortium hosted and funded by NIH/NIDDK. He also serves as co-I for NIH/NIDDK R01 grant on wound healing.
Active Grants
NIH/ NIAID R21AI171932 (PI)
PSF 831458 (PI)
NIH/NIDDK U01DK119099 (Co-I)
NIH/NIDDK R01DK125835 (Co-I)
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