42708-Mao, Weiming

Weiming Mao, M.D., PhD

Associate Professor of Ophthalmology

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Jay C. and Lucile L. Kahn Scholar in Glaucoma Research and Education

GK 305V
Indianapolis, IN 46202


Dr. Mao received his Bachelor Degree of Medicine at Fudan University and was an Ophthalmology Resident at Shanghai First People’s Hospital in China. He joined the Vision Science Graduate Program at University of Alabama at Birmingham as a PhD student, and was mentored by Dr. Shu-Zhen Wang in retinal development research. After obtaining his PhD degree, Dr. Mao received his postdoctoral training in glaucoma research by Dr. Abbot Clark at University of North Texas Health Science Center. He became an Assistant Professor in 2013 at UNTHSC. He was also the Graduate Advisor of Visual Science Graduate Program and Associate Director of Research at UNTHSC. Dr. Mao joined faculty of Department of Ophthalmology at IUSM in July, 2018. 

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