27629-Hains, David

David Hains, MD

Byron P. & Frances D. Hollett Professor of Pediatric Nephrology

Professor of Pediatrics

Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Adjunct Professor of Medical & Molecular Genetics

Division Chief, Pediatric Nephrology

(317) 944-2563
RR 230
Indianapolis, IN


Dr. David Hains is Byron P. & Frances D. Hollett Professor of Pediatric Nephrology and Division Chief of Pediatric Nephrology at Indiana University School of Medicine. He is a graduate of Indiana University School of Medicine and completed a pediatric nephrology fellowship at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Dr. Hains has been awarded multiple academic and service awards and professional honors throughout many phases of his career and has established himself as a leader in Pediatric Nephrology nationally, specifically in the field of innate immunity and urinary tract infections in children with vesicoureteral reflux. He was awarded the Lyman T. Meiks Research Award for Pediatrics as a medical student (Indiana), American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Trainee Research Award (first resident ever awarded), Society for Pediatric Research House Officer Award, John E. Lewy Foundation Advocacy Scholars Program inaugural class (through ASPN), American Society of Pediatric Nephrology Leadership Development Program inaugural class, Harvard Business School Program for Leadership Development Fellowship Award, and the NIH Loan Repayment Award. He holds membership in numerous national professional societies and regularly reviews for many of the top journals in his field. He has participated in numerous study sections for the National Institutes of Health including review of R01 applications and U54 O’Brien Urology Cooperative Research Centers. He has served in leadership of the Research Committee for the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology and currently heads their John E. Lewy Advocacy Scholars Program.

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