27419-Lasagna Reeves, Cristian

Cristian A. Lasagna Reeves, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor of Neurology

Investigator, Stark Neuroscience Research Institute.

Neurosciences Research Building
320 W. 15th Street, NB-214G
Indianapolis, IN 46202


My scientific career has revolved around the study of protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases with a special emphasis in the role of tau pathogenesis in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. For several years, my work has focused on the relevance of tau oligomers in the pathogenesis of AD. My studies yielded evidence that this pre-filamentous form of tau is a possible biomarker and target for the diagnosisand treatment of AD. My work in characterizing tau and tau oligomers not only challenged the traditional view of tau neurofibrillary tangles as responsible for neurodegeneration in AD, but also may lead to therapies that target tau oligomers to combat neurodegeneration.

Currently, my laboratory focuses in understanding the role of tau in AD/Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), with special emphasis in the mechanism(s) involved in tau aggregation and propagation and the contribution of vascular damage and neuroinflammation to synaptoxicity associated to tau aggregation. A detail description of my lab research and publications can be found at www.lasagnareeveslab.com

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