Kenneth P. Nephew, PhD
Jerry W. and Peggy S. Throgmartin Professor of Oncology
Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
Adjunct Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Adjunct Professor of Biology, College of Arts & Sciences, IU Bloomington
Fellow, Indiana Molecular Biology Institute, College of Arts and Sciences, IU Bloomington
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- (812) 855-9445
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I have been studying cancer and epigenetics for nearly three decades. I have received extramural and university grants and serve on numerous scientific advisory boards. I co-lead of the Tumor Microenvironment and Metastasis Program of the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center and serve as the Dean of the Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Academy. As an IUSM faculty member, I have mentored junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows and have graduated over 20 PhD students. My long-term goal is to reduce cancer mortality and contribute to a cure for cancer
Key Publications
1. Wang Y, Zong X, Mitra S, Mitra AK, Matei D, Nephew KP. Interleukin-6 mediates platinum-induced enrichment of ovarian cancer stem cells. 2018 J Clin Invest Insight 3(23). pii: 122360. PMCID: PMC6328027
2. Zong X, Wang W, Ozes A, Fang FF, Sandusky GE, Nephew KP. 2020 EZH2-mediated Downregulation of the tumor suppressor DAB2IP maintains ovarian cancer stem cells. Cancer Res, 80(20):4371-4385 PMCID: PMC7572866
3. Matei D, Nephew KP. 2020. Epigenetic Attire in Ovarian Cancer: The Emperor’s New Clothes. invited review, Cancer Research, 80(18): 3775-3785 PMCID: PMC7501210
4. Wang W, Fang F, Ozes A, Nephew KP 2021 Targeting ovarian cancer stem cells by dual inhibition of HOTAIR and DNA methylation Mol Cancer Ther, 20(6): 1092-1101I PMCID: PMC8172444
5. Marino N, German R, Podicheti R, Rusch DB, Rockey P, Huang J, Sandusky G, Temm CJ, Althouse S; Nephew KP, Nakshatri H, Liu J, Vode A, Cao S Storniolo A. 2022 Aberrant epigenetic and transcriptional events associated with breast cancer risk. Clin Epigenetics, 14(1):21 PMCID: PMC8830042
6. Sriramkumar S, Sood R, Huntington TD, Ghobashi AH, Wang W, Nephew KP, O'Hagan HM. 2022 Platinum-induced mitochondrial OXPHOS contritbutes to cancer stem cell enrichment in ovarian cancer J Transl Med, 20(1):246 PMCID: PMC9153190
7. Muralikrishnan V, Fang F, Given TC, Podicheti R, Chtcherbinine M, Metcalfe TX, Sriramkumar S, O'Hagan HM, Hurley TD, Nephew KP. 2022 A novel ALDH1A1 inhibitor blocks platinum-induced senescence and stemness in ovarian cancer. Cancers, 14::3437. PMCID: PMC9318275
8. Khatpe AS, Dirks R, Bhat-Nakshatri P, Mang H, Batic K, Swiezy S, Olson J, Rao X, Wang Y, Tanaka H, Liu S, Wan J, Chen D, Liu Y, Fang F, Althouse S, Hulsey E, Granatir MM, Addison R, Temm CJ, Sandusky G, Lee-Gosselin A, Nephew K, Miller KD, Nakshatri H. 2023. TONSL is ani mmortalizing oncogene and a therapeutic target in breast cancer. Cancer Res. 2023 83:1345-1360. PMID:37057595
9. Wang W, Zhou Y, Wang J, Zhang S, Ozes A, Gao H Fang F, Wang Y, Chu X, Liu Y, Mitra A, O’Hagan H, Nephew KP. Targeting ovarian cancer stem cells by dual inhibition of the long noncoding RNA HOTAIR and lysine methyltransferase EZH2. under revision bioRxiv 2023.06.26.546524; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.26.546524
10. Stojanovic L, Rachel Abbotts R, Tripathi K Coon C, Marker R, Liu S, Wan J, Topper MJ, Baylin SB*, Nephew KP*, Feyruz V*. ZNFX1 is a master regulator for epigenetic reprograming of mitochondrial inflammasome signaling and pathogen mimicry in cancer cells. bioRxiv 2023.02.28.530455; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530455
Year | Degree | Institution |
1991 | PhD | The Ohio State University |
1986 | MS | The Ohio State University |
1983 | BS | The Ohio State University |
- Cancer epigenetics, epigenetic therapies, ovarian and breast cancers.
- Characterizing and targeting ovarian cancer stem cells using epigenetic drugs.
- Translational research and clinical trials testing epigenetic therapies against solid tumors (ovarian, breast, germ cell and lung cancers), performing correlative analyses, and testing new hypotheses in the laboratory (bench-bedside-bench).
- Identifying the factors that influence long-term survival of ovarian cancer patients and developing therapies and interventions that help patients live longer.
Desc: Graduate School Faculty Mentor Award Winner