23190-Sharp, Sacha

Sacha N. Sharp, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Vice Chair for Strategic Engagement

Director of Medical Education Innovation

Adjunct Assistant Professor in Africana Studies, IUPUI

(317) 278-8182
CL 628A
Indianapolis, IN
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Sacha Sharp, PhD (she/her) is an assistant professor of medicine, affiliate faculty with IUH Heal-R, and adjunct assistant professor in the program of Africana Studies at IUPUI. Dr. Sharp is also the Chair of the IUSM Diversity Council. She also has expertise in curriculum development, program management and evaluation, and provides observations of teaching. 
Dr. Sharp earned her PhD at IU Bloomington with a higher education focus in the Department of Education, Leadership, and Policy Studies. She also earned a master in education and human development from the George Washington University. Additionally, Dr. Sharp has a bachelors in art education, which she uses to incorporate medical humanities in her instruction. 
Dr. Sharp is a recent recipient of the 2024 Trustee’s Teaching award, awarded Distinguished Young Alumna from her Alma Mater Murray State University, and is one of few PhD Faculty Inductees in the IU School of Medicine Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha. 

Dr. Sharp is available for speaking engagements, and has given talks in the following: 
- Introduction to qualitative inquiry and theoretical framework.
Clinical Educator Teaching Pathway. IUSM
- Professionalism and the Hidden curriculum. Clinical Educator Teaching Pathway. IUSM
- Managing research teams. ASPIRE. IUSM
- Black Women Graduate Students' Social Media Use as a Space for Reclamation, Resistance, and Healing. Perspectives on Race. University of Georgia- Athens
- Innovative prospects: Policy, advocacy and change in education during the Covid era. Education Public Policy Leadership Certificate. The Ohio State University. (Twitter Chat)

Key Publications

1.     Patton L D., Sanchez, B., Sharp, S. (2017). Racism, power, and place: A critical discourse analysis of online commentary associated with the establishment of culturally themed on-campus housing for black men. Journal of College and University Student Housing. 43(3), 28-41.

2.     Tori, A., Sotto-Santiago, S., Sharp, S., & Mac, J. (2019). Defining student success in academic medicine. Journal of Medical Education. 17(3), 175-186.

 3.     Sharp, S. (2020). Mission Incomplete: A historical examination of Indiana University Bloomington’s student minority recruitment and retention programs. American Educational History Journal.*

4.     Sotto-Santiago, S., Sharp, S., Mac. J., Messmore, N., Haywood, A., Tyson, M., & Yi, V., (2021). Reclaiming the mission of academic medicine: An examination of institutional responses to (anti)racism. AEM Education and Training. 5, s33 - s43*

5.     Sharp, S. (2022). Conversations among Black women graduate students: exploring social media self-expressions for the purpose of reclamation. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2022.2127026*

 6.     Sharp, S., Hixson, A., Stumpf, J., and Williamson, F. (2022). Understanding the experiences of Black women medical students and residents in medicine: A narrative review. Frontiers in Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.879135*

7.     Williamson, F., Sharp, S., Hills, G., Dilly, C., and Nabhan, Z. (2022). Leveraging Resident-as-Teacher training for health equity education: A transformative approachTeach Learn Med. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-8.*

8.     LePeau, L., Siberstein, S., Sharp, S., Miller, D, & Manlove, J. (2022). Validation of the term ‘cultural community’ on the culturally engagement campus environments survey. Education Sciences Special Issue. 12, 881.*

 9.     Tucker Edmonds, B., Sharp, S., and Walker, V (2023). Mitigating misogynoir: Professionalism as a health equity strategy. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology.

 10.  Sharp, S., Umoye, A., Smith, T., et al. (2023). Standard rhetoric: Medical students examine whether LCME standards provide guidance for statements opposing racism. Journal of Best Practices for Health Professions Diversity.15(2)*

 11.  Sharp, S., Hixson, A., & Priddie, C. (2024). Examining how Black women medical students rate their experiences with medical school mistreatment on the AAMC questionnaire. Perspectives in Medical Education.


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