20185-Wilson, Amy

Amy C. Wilson, MD

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

(317) 944-2563
RR 230
Indianapolis, IN
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Dr. Wilson joined the Division of Pediatric Nephrology faculty in 2010, shortly after completing her pediatrics residency and pediatric nephrology fellowship training at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She earned her M.D. in 2003 from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and completed a Master of Science degree (in Clinical Research) at the University of Cincinnati in 2008, during her fellowship training. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and was recently elected to the AAP Section of Nephrology Executive Committee. She also represents the Section on the Council of Pediatric Subspecialties. She is also a member of the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology. Locally, she is a passionate supporter of and serves as “camp doctor” for Kidney Camp, an annual summer camp opportunity for any Indiana child with chronic kidney disease (CKD), kidney transplant, or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). To learn more about Kidney Camp, see https://www.kidney.org/offices/nkf-indiana. Though Dr. Wilson provides clinical care across the entire spectrum of pediatric kidney disease, her interests are focused in the areas of hypertension and cardiovascular disease in children with CKD, ESRD, and kidney transplant, and in improving long term cardiovascular outcomes for children with kidney disease. As such, she is also an active member of the Improving Renal Outcomes Collaborative (https://irocnow.org/).

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