X C. Dong, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Adjunct Professor, School of Informatics and Computing
- xcdong@iu.edu
- Phone
- 317-278-1097
- Address
635 Barnhill Drive
Medical Science, Room MS1021D
Indianapolis, IN 46202 - PubMed:
X. Charlie Dong, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and investigator of Indiana University Center of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases. Prior to his appointment at Indiana University, he got his B.S. in Biology from Shandong Normal University, M.S. in Genetics from Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, and Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular and Developmental Biology from The Ohio State University. He also received postdoctoral training in diabetes and metabolism from Joslin Diabetes Center and Children's Hospital Boston of Harvard Medical School. He was promoted to instructor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
Key Publications
A complete list of published work is available.
Huang M, Zhang Y, Park J, Chowdhury K, Xu J, Lu A, Wang L, Zhang W, Ekser B, Yu L, Dong XC. ATG14 plays a critical role in hepatic lipid droplet homeostasis. Metabolism. 2023 Sep 22;148:155693. [PMID: 37741434]
Dong XC. Sirtuin 6-A Key Regulator of Hepatic Lipid Metabolism and Liver Health. Cells. 2023 Feb 19;12(4):663. [PMID: 36831330]
Chowdhury K, Huang M, Kim HG, Dong XC. Sirtuin 6 protects against hepatic fibrogenesis by suppressing the YAP and TAZ function. FASEB J. 2022 Oct;36(10)e22529. [PMID: 36036554]
Morral N, Liu S, Conteh AM, Chu X, Wang Y, Dong XC, Liu Y, Linnemann AK, Wan J. Aberrant gene expression induced by a high fat diet is linked to H3K9 acetylation in the promoter-proximal region. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2021 Mar;1864(3):194691. [PMID: 33556624]
Tao Z, Shi L, Parke J, Zheng L, Gu W, Dong XC, Liu D, Wang, Z, Olumi AF, Cheng Z. Sirt1 coordinates with ERα to regulate autophagy and adiposity. Cell Death Discov. 2021 Mar 15;7(1):53. [PMID: 33723227]
Fang Z, Kim HG, Huang M, Chowdhury K, Li MO, Liangpunsakul S, Dong XC. Sestrin proteins protect against lipotoxicity-induced oxidative stress in the liver via suppression of C-Jun N-terminal kinases. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 May 4:S2352-345X(21)00086-2. [PMID: PMID: 33962074]
Misra J, Holmes MJ, Mirek ET, Langevin M, Kim HG, Carlson KR, Watford M, Dong XC, Anthony TG, Wek, RC. Discordant regulation of eIF2 kinase GCN2 and mTORC1 during nutrient stress. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jun 4;49(10):5726-5742. [PMID: 34023907]
Xu L, Zhang X, Xin Y, Ma J, Yang C, Zhang X, Hou G, Dong XC, Sun Z, Xiong X, Cao X. Depdc5 deficiency exacerbates alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis via suppression of PPARα pathway. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jul 15;12(7):710. [PMID: 34267188]
Dong XC. PNPLA3-A Potential Therapeutic Target for Personalized Treatment of Chronic Liver Disease. Front Med (Lausanne). 2019 Dec 17;6:304. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2019.00304. eCollection 2019. Review.
Vemuri S, Srivastava R, Mir Q, Hashemikhabir S, Dong XC, Janga SC. SliceIt: A genome-wide resource and visualization tool to design CRISPR/Cas9 screens for editing protein-RNA interaction sites in the human genome. Methods. 2019 Sep 5. pii: S1046-2023(19)30111-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2019.09.004. [Epub ahead of print]
Liu Y, Kim HG, Dong E, Dong C, Huang M, Liu Y, Liangpunsakul S, Dong XC. Sesn3 deficiency promotes carcinogen-induced hepatocellular carcinoma via regulation of the hedgehog pathway. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2019 Oct 1;1865(10):2685-2693. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2019.07.011. Epub 2019 Jul 24.
Kim HG, Huang M, Xin Y, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Wang G, Liu S, Wan J, Ahmadi AR, Sun Z, Liangpunsakul S, Xiong X, Dong XC. The epigenetic regulator SIRT6 protects the liver from alcohol-induced tissue injury by reducing oxidative stress in mice. J Hepatol. 2019 Nov;71(5):960-969. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2019.06.019. Epub 2019 Jul 8.
Huang M, Kim HG, Zhong X, Dong C, Zhang B, Fang Z, Zhang Y, Lu X, Saxena R, Liu Y, Zhang C, Liangpunsakul S, Dong XC. Sestrin 3 Protects Against Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Mice Through Suppression of Transforming Growth Factor β Signal Transduction. Hepatology. 2020 Jan;71(1):76-92. doi: 10.1002/hep.30820. Epub 2019 Sep 27.
Tao R, Wang C, Stöhr O, Qiu W, Hu Y, Miao J, Dong XC, Leng S, Stefater M, Stylopoulos N, Lin L, Copps KD, White MF. Inactivating hepatic follistatin alleviates hyperglycemia. Nat Med. 2018 Oct;24(10):1628. doi: 10.1038/s41591-018-0129-0.
For a complete list of publications, visit PubMed
Year | Degree | Institution |
2002 | PhD | The Ohio State University |
1994 | MS | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
1991 | BS | Shandong Normal University |
Diabetes and obesity have both reached epidemic proportions in the United States. It is becoming urgent to elucidate the pathological mechanisms of these health problems. Improper gene regulation by transcriptional and epigenetic factors critically involves in the pathogenesis of these metabolic diseases. Dr. Dong's laboratory investigates two key families of factors that are emerging as critical regulators in nutrient and energy homeostasis - FOXO transcription factors and nuclear sirtuins (SIRT1/6). FOXOs are key players in the downstream of insulin signaling and regulate glucose and lipid homeostasis. SIRT1 and SIRT6 are both NAD-dependent histone deacetylases and modulate chromatin stability and dynamics. We have characterized several crucial FOXO target genes including Nr0b2 (SHP), Nampt, Srebp2, Pcsk9, and Sesn3, in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Our research goal is to utilize the state-of-the-art technologies including genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, high-resolution imaging, and genomic editing to elucidate molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver disease and develop therapeutics for these disorders.
Dr. Dong also has interests in human diabetes and fatty liver disease and their pathogenesis and clinical treatment. Precision medicine can be applied to these diseases to promote better diagnosis and therapeutic treatment.
Desc: Showalter Scholar
Scope: School
Date: 2015-07-01